From Revolution newspaper #99, 8/26/07
In December 2005, leaks to the media revealed the existence of a secret
and illegal wiretapping operation by Bush’s National Security Agency (NSA)
that spied on telephone calls, emails, and other communications by people
in the U.S. without warrants. Al Gore declared that Bush “has been
breaking the law-repeatedly and insistently.” Democratic Senator
Russell Feingold said Bush should be “censured” by Congress.
Republican Senator Arlen Specter called for a full investigation.
Less than two years later, on August 5, Congress passed a law pushed
by the Bush regime that not only legalizes NSA’s warrantless
wiretapping but vastly expands the scope of targets that the
government can legally spy on without court approval. The new law is officially
named the “Protect America Act of 2007.” The American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU), which calls the new law the “Police America
Act,” says that it “gives the NSA a blank check to wiretap Americans
without judicial oversight.” (ACLU fact sheet at
The NSA Spying Program
The new law is an amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Act (FISA) passed by Congress in 1978 after widespread exposure in the
mid-1970s of rampant government wiretapping, break-ins, and dirty tricks.
FISA gave free rein to the intelligence agencies to carry out surveillance
on foreign governments and foreign “agents”-but it put
some formal limits on the wiretapping of “U.S. persons” (citizens
and legal residents), requiring the intelligence agencies to get a warrant
from the FISA court for such surveillance.
The FISA “restrictions” on wiretapping were never about protecting
the privacy and rights of the people. In 2004, for example, the government
requested 1,758 wiretaps under FISA. Not a single one was denied.
And FISA allows the government to begin surveillance and then get approval
from the secret court later.
But the Bush regime decided in secret that even FISA and its court-which
operates in secret and rubber stamps requests from law enforcement to
spy on people in the U.S.-was way too restricting on how
much the government could snoop into your phone calls and email. Immediately
after 9/11, the Bush White House started a NSA wiretapping program that
totally bypassed FISA.
Today, most international electronic communications to and from the U.S.-as
well as a lot of calls and internet traffic between locations outside
the U.S.-are routed through giant telecommunication switches located
in the U.S. Under the NSA program, the government eavesdrops by “latching
on” to these switches operated by U.S. companies like AT&T that handle
a huge amount of calls and emails each day. Since a lot of the data going
through those switches involves people in the U.S., NSA wiretaps also
spy on people in the U.S. Until now, this had been a violation of FISA.
When the NSA program came out into the open, the Bush regime defended
it by saying that warrantless surveillance was within presidential “war-time”
powers and that any wiretapping involving people in the U.S. was targeted
at Al Qaeda and other terrorists. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, appearing
before a Congressional committee, declared, “As the President has
said, if you’re talking to Al Qaeda, we want to know it.”
Overruling the FISA Rubber Stamp
The NSA’s spying operation apparently ran into a snag earlier this year.
The New York Times reported (8/6/07) that telecommunications
companies “facing major lawsuits for having secretly cooperated with
the warrantless wiretapping program”now wanted greater legal protections
before cooperating further.” In response, this January the
Bush administration “subjected [the NSA program] for the first time
to the scrutiny of the FISA court.”
Then in May, according to a Washington Post article (8/12/07),
a FISA court judge ruled that “the law’s wording required the government
to get a warrant” whenever the wiretapping might involve people in
the U.S. The Post reported that “The decision had the immediate
practical effect of forcing the NSA to laboriously ask judges on the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court each time it wanted to capture such foreign
communications from a wire or fiber [optic cable] on U.S. soil.”
The New York Times said that the change “swamped the court
with an enormous volume of search warrant applications.” The White
House dispatched Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell to meet
directly with the FISA judges to get them to reverse the decision, but
he was unsuccessful. It seems the NSA warrantless wiretapping was too
much even for the pliant FISA court!
The fact that the FISA court was “swamped” with NSA wiretapping
requests is itself an exposure of the broad extent of the surveillance
that was being carried out. And now, with the new law, the Bush regime
is moving to spy without even the limited restrictions and paper trail
involved in the FISA process.
Repressive Leaps in the New Law
Steven Aftergood, an intelligence policy analyst at the Federation of
American Scientists, pointed to three ways in which the new law is a leap
in the government’s repressive powers: “It expands the surveillance
program beyond terrorism to encompass foreign intelligence. It permits
the monitoring of communications of a U.S. person as long as he or she
is not the primary target. And it effectively removes judicial supervision
of the surveillance process.” (Quoted in Los Angeles Times,
8/7/07) Let’s look at each point:
1) Expanding the spying program to cover “foreign intelligence”
in general: Bush officials had previously justified the NSA’s warrantless
wiretapping by saying that they were targeting foreign “terrorist”
groups and anyone associated with them. But with the new law, the NSA
can spy on anyone and any group overseas-as long as the surveillance
is (under the language of the law) “directed at a person reasonably
believed to be located outside the United States” for the purpose
of “foreign intelligence.” This is a much wider category.
2) Permitting spying without warrants on “U.S. persons”: The
new law enables the government to eavesdrop on international calls and
emails of people in the U.S. Writing on the legal affairs blog “Balkinization,”
Georgetown University law professor Marty Lederman notes that the law
allows warrantless wiretapping “even if the surveillance picks up
communications of U.S. persons here in the States-indeed, even if
the surveillance is in part designed to intercept U.S. communications,
so long as it is also ‘directed at’ someone overseas.”
The Center for National Security Studies (CNSS), a civil liberties group,
wrote in their analysis of the law that “this approach would also
permit the surveillance of countless Americans traveling, working, or
fighting in the armed services abroad.”
3) Removing oversight by courts: The new law has provisions for review
of the NSA surveillance by the FISA court. But the court will not look
at individual cases-it will only review the procedure used to determine
whether the targets are “reasonably believed” to be outside
the U.S. The ACLU notes that the new law “does not require the AG
[Attorney General] to explain how it treats Americans” calls or
emails when they are intercepted. The court will have no information about
how extensive the breach of American privacy is, nor the authority to
remedy it.”
The new law also gives the Attorney General and the Director of National
Intelligence the ability to order communication service providers to cooperate
with federal wiretapping operations, and the law threatens those companies
with penalties if they don’t comply. At the same time, the law promises
those companies immunity from lawsuits for taking part in NSA spying.
A federal appellate court in San Francisco is now hearing two suits challenging
NSA warrantless surveillance. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
is involved in one suit. They represent AT&T customers who brought a class
action suit against the telecommunications company for assisting the NSA
in illegally snooping on their calls. The NSA program involved here is
another program that the Bush regime hasn’t admitted exists-which
reportedly collects records of all domestic phone calls from
three of the biggest phone carriers in the country. Information for the
suit was provided to the EFF by a former AT&T employee. The other suit
says that the NSA warantless spying program illegally wiretapped calls
between an Islamic charity and its lawyers. A representative of the EFF
told Revolution that their position is that the new law is not
retroactive and does not affect the suits which have to do with surveillance
taking place over the past few years. The U.S. government is arguing that
the suits should be dismissed in order to protect “state secrets.”
And the Democrats?
Many Democrats in the Congress backed Bush’s new law. Others–including
all the Democratic presidential candidates-voted against it. But
the leaders of the Democratic Party knew the law had the votes to pass
and made no extraordinary parliamentary moves (like a filibuster) to stop
it, even though House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the law “does violence
to the Constitution.”
Many people in the social base of the Democratic Party are bitter and
feel betrayed. There was a flood of angry posts on pro-Democratic blogs,
and Pelosi got more than 200,000 protest emails.
Breaking Out of the Road to Horror
The logic that the government needs more power to massively snoop into
and spy on every detail of people’s lives to provide for their “safety”
is a logic that leads to a police state. And it feeds into the logic that
the way for Americans to live in “security” is more torture
chambers. It leads to more banning of dissent-the same AT&T that
is routing your phone calls to the government last week censored the words
“George Bush, leave the world alone” out of the internet broadcast
of a Pearl Jam concert. And this “security” through repression
is connected to the logic that Americans” “safety” depends
on a more aggressive “war on terror” inside and outside the
Endless war and fascist repression do not make you safe. And the wars,
torture, and other crimes of the U.S. rulers bring terrible suffering
to the people of the world. Craig Murray, who got fired as British ambassador
to Uzbekistan after speaking out against brutal torture used there by
the U.S.’s “Coalition of the Willing”-declared, “I”d
rather die than have someone tortured to save my life.”
As the Call from World Can’t Wait
( says, “That
which you do not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn-or
be forced-to accept.”