8/23/07: Earlier this week, CNN reported that Bush is now stumping with a
Viet Nam Veteran, who is explaining the horrible repercussions the Vietnamese
suffered when we pulled out and abandoned them. He is also claiming that
pulling out of Viet Nam
empowered today’s terrorists? Talk about desperation.
After five years of claiming Iraq
isn’t Viet Nam,
now Bush reveals the truth. It IS Viet Nam. Yes, let us repeat
the worst blunder in the history of the US, that cost the world millions of
lives and set us back decades in progress. Oh wait, we already have
repeated it, and it is even WORSE because Americans are laying down for
it. At least during Viet
Nam the world KNEW that citizens were
The Vietnamese really suffered, when we stopped bombing the
crap out of them, and dropping Napalm on them, murdering women and children and
dropping poisonous herbicides on them. All the claims of the warmongers
of the time that the Chinese Communists would slaughter every American
sympathizer did not happen. I suppose that is beside
the point. Forget about the truth. The truth is our enemy.
-Mikal Hutto (a World Can’t Wait organizer in Pasadena, Tx)
In his speech Bush said that, “Whatever your position
in that debate, one unmistakable legacy of Vietnam is that the price of
America’s withdrawal was paid by millions of innocent citizens whose agonies
would add to our vocabulary new terms like ‘boat people,’ ‘re-education camps’
and ‘killing fields.'”
There were other words and phrases added to the vocabulary
during that era: “Collateral Damage”, “Destroy the village in order to save
it”, “Grab them by the balls and their hearts and minds will follow”; “Carpet
bombing”, “My Lai”.
There were also new words and phrases much in need today:
“student strike against the war”; “campus shutdown”; “student occupation of the administration
building”, “no military recruiters on campus”, “vote with your feet, vote in the
street”, “from protest to resistance” and many others.