300 people marched from Arlington Cemetery to Conyers office, while
50 people gathered at his Detroit office. Conyers told the delegation
that impeachment is not going to happen because the Democrats don’t
have 218 votes needed for it, and more importantly, the way to end the
Bush regime is by electing Democrats in 08.
Many standing
for hours in the hall outside hoped that progress towards impeachment
would be announced. Cindy and Rev. Yearwood were visibly angered as
they left the meeting.
About 30 people squeezed into Conyer’s office lobby and began chanting
for impeachment. They were quickly arrested, along with 16 others in
the hallway, and taken away for disorderly conduct. More than a few
people have mentioned the irony of Conyers” a champion of Rosa Parks,
having people arrested for sitting in over a cause – impeachment – he
promoted two years ago.
In the Town Hall Meetings to
Impeach Bush & Cheney for War Crimes, we”ve had a variety of
speakers, some arguing that impeachment is part of the Constitution, a
perfect remedy for the crisis gripping the government, and therefore
people should not view it as a disruptive problem, but rather part of
the “cure”. I”ve argued that even to get impeachment, much less removal
from office of Bush and Cheney, will take an unprecedented movement
from below, causing enough upheaval to force the “deciders” to respond.
“People that steal elections and believe they”re on a
mission from God won’t go without a fight” This will not be easy. If we
speak the truth, they will try to silence us. If we act, they will try
to stop us”. These parts of our Call
were in my head yesterday as we confronted those realities. The vast
reservoir of people angry and outraged at the what the Bush regime has
done is what is, still, waiting to be formed into a political force
that can’t be denied.
That need is what’s behind our call for people to Declare It Now!
Wear Orange. As we launch ” Orange Fridays” this week, it should be
with a renewed knowledge that, as Cindy Sheehan said yesterday, “It’s
up to the people”.