The United States Social Forum
Prachi Noor, 5/24/07
The United States Social Forum is taking place in Atlanta from June 27- July
1st. Thousands of social movement representatives, community organizers,
youth and students, non-profit groups, activists and individuals from all
over the country are assembling in Atlanta to participate in this forum.
As the organizers of the USSF describe it, “The United States Social Forum
comes at a significant time in US history. The conservative political right
dominates the three primary institutions of the federal government. The US
military is bogged down in the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan as public
support for these invasions erodes. The disaster of hurricane Katrina and
the failure of the federal government to respond have illuminated extreme
poverty in the US and the race and class divisions in this country. The USSF
will provide a process to build a powerful movement in this country based on
the organized voices and experiences of those from the grassroots most
affected by US and global injustices.” Please check out the USSF website
The scope and the mission of the World Can’t Wait call very much connects
with the themes that USSF is addressing. The urgency and the need to drive
out this regime with a repudiation of their agenda remain as clear as ever.
Democratic party leadership continues to betray the people who voted for
them while Bush has given approval to a CIA program for a covert operation
to overthrow the Iranian government without any oversight from Congress.
Millions now see the immorality of the Iraq war, the legalized torture and
illegal spying as well as the fascist re-making of this society and agree
that Bush has been a disaster for the world.
At least 10 to 20,000 of those people will be at the USSF in hopefulness to
build a unified and powerful movement of people in this country. World
Can’t Wait leaders and organizers need to be in the midst of this. Our call
has the potential to speak to all those people who will be grappling with
these issues in Atlanta and want to see a better world than the one that is
in store if the Bush regime remains in power. It will speak to people
because bringing the crimes of the Bush regime to an end and creating a
political situation where Bush and his supporters actually have to leave
office. People are coming from all areas of the country that are organizing
around different issues and from all different perspectives. We can learn a
lot from all their experiences, and we must bring to them our call and
mission to drive out the Bush regime.
World Can’t Wait is doing two workshops at the USSF in Atlanta. First one
is ‘The Bush Agenda. Understanding It. Stopping It.” The second one is
“Impeachment 2007.”
*VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED!* We need to build and outreach for these
workshops. We will also have a table for which we need staffing. We need
organizers to distribute calls throughout the week. We need people to go to
all the 100s of workshops taking place to learn from them and bring in WCW
analysis to people.
Please email immediately to let me know you are
coming and to sign up for responsibilities.
When you send me an email, answer the following questions:
– When are you arriving to Atlanta? (You will need to provide your own
way and register for the Forum ASAP)
– When are you leaving from Atlanta?
– Do you need housing? If so please email
Atlanta@worldcantwait.orgwith your housing needs.
– We need organizers to help in areas of Outreach (taking out the
call, building for the workshop and going to other workshops), Tabling etc.
Please indicate which area you would like to be involved in.
In resistance,
Prachi Noor
Steering Committee, World Can’t Wait