By Elaine Brower, 5/2/07
4 long years now I have railed against this government for the
innumerable offenses committed against the people of this Country, the
people of other Countries and our own Constitution. My son served 2 tours of duty in this so-called “War on Terror”, and is awaiting possible redeployment. I
have gone to military bases and talked to the troops; been arrested 5
times; and, spend every spare minute I have calling attention to the
horrors this Country is facing under the current Regime.
am of the total mindset that we the people need to rise up and drive
King George from office, take Cheney with him, and then repudiate the
entire program they have put into place for generations to
come. My body is exhausted, my old friends are long gone and my family
barely tolerates me. But finally this past Saturday, April 28th,
Nationwide Impeachment Day, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel!
ever in the entire time I have been fighting this uphill battle against
fascism did I see such a turnout and unification around one idea: Impeachment. In all the times I have protested specifically against the war, I have never seen such a broad nationwide response like this. All
over the Country, from North Pole, Alaska, to Honolulu, Hawaii and over
to the East Coast, people shouted and sang out loud for impeachment and
for driving the criminals from office NOW!
watched the impeachment organizing website “” grow from hundreds
of actions, to thousands of pictures and videos that were unbelievable. Mothers,
Grandmothers, Soldiers, Fathers, kids and animals were coming out into
the streets, parks, and beaches anywhere and everywhere they could to
sing the encouraging words of ending the reign of hell this group of
monsters have inflicted on the entire World. Planes flew around the Country towing Impeachment banners. It’s about damn time! I finally felt like smiling for real. I
didn’t have to smile because I had to, but because the heaviness in my
heart was lifted a bit knowing that there were so many people from all
walks of life in total agreement and showed a unified front.
When will the media and the Congress join in? They hear us but are not listening to our voices because they are afraid. Those in Congress who have the ability to end this reign of terror are simply “scaredy-cats” and “spineless.” Those
in the media who absolutely refuse to stand up and do their jobs by
reporting what is inevitably the real story, not Paris Hilton or
Britney Spears, are in the same category. Of course, collecting huge paychecks and payments is a major factor in their deafness.
It is an amazing day when more people get that Impeachment is possible than any other issue our Congress is dealing with. The government continues to nickel and dime the public, but we are not buying it. I suddenly have faith again in the American people. Even college campuses are taking action. This week there are about 50 schools declaring hunger strikes against the war and for impeachment. If you check out military blogs, the troops are angrier than ever and want this government gone.
We have not yet reached the tipping point, but it is close. Rep.
Dennis Kucinich filed Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney, and
Rep. Jack Murtha spoke out strongly for impeachment this Sunday on
“Face the Nation.” In order for the rest of our representatives to “get it” we the people must keep up the pressure. On
Wednesday, April 25th, famous writers, actors, activists and others
joined Rep. Kucinich at a press conference in Washington, D.C. to
announce the movement for impeachment.
Do not stop now. Impeachment IS possible, and don’t let anyone tell us otherwise. A
President and Vice President who lie to commit a war of aggression;
openly tortures and is proud of it; runs a completely lawless
Administration with a new and better scandal every day; authorizes
illegal wiretaps on U.S. citizens; denies Habeas Corpus, and has used
over 750 signing statements to circumvent any laws established for the
good of the people must be removed for the good of this Country and the
The Revolution will be UPLOADED!
Elaine Brower is an anti-war activist, mother of U.S.
Marine currently returned from Fallujah; member of Steering Committee
for the “World Can’t Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime” and Military
Families Speak Out.