America’s Holy Warriors by Chris Hedges
Cheney/Bush vs. Baker Commission: Cowboys Differ on Iran Attack
Virgil Goode’s Anti-Muslim Tirade
New Year’s Utopianism Needed Fast
US Naval Build-Up Planned In January to “Discourage Iran”
New Government Subpoenas: Suppressing Dissent Under Cover of Law
New Rules for US Geological Society Suppress Scientific Research
Bush’s Presidential Library Meets Opposition from SMU Professors & Methodist Leaders
McCain the “Moderate” Wants to Clamp Down on the Internet
The Military Commissions Act in Action: Salim Ahmed Hamdan Denied the Right to Habeus Corpus
Homeland Security Rounds Up 5,000 Immigrants Tuesday
The Baker Report on Iraq: Desperate Straits, Deep Divisions, Dwindling Options by Larry Everest
Ishaqi: “The Americans have done this before but they always deny it”
Rep. Cynthia McKinney introduces articles of impeachment on House floor
The High Stakes in Iraq-For Them And For Us, Part 2: Quagmire by Larry Everest
250 Members of the House Vote That Fetuses Have Feelings
George Bush’s America by Chris Hedges
Over 50 Intellectuals Reject US “Torture Law” at Guadalajara International Book Fair
Malachi Richter Burns Himself to Death in Protest of War
A CIA insider’s take on Gates by Ray McGovern
Michael Ratner on war crimes lawsuit against Rumsfeld
EPA Hastily Shuts Down Its Libraries
Iraq: The War of the Imagination
To the WCW organizers and friends! I have kept up with this website and organization since a little while before the Oct. 5th demonstrations in 2006! I went to a few meetings before to help plan the Houston chapter, and I participated in the events. I later found that I may be of more assistance in terms of spreading the word with a small bussiness to sell punk rock merch and other various things. Right now I am very small and may not take off well yet, but one day I will. I am working on a shirt line for Crandy’s Clothing called the broken *already copywrit* What the broken is mainly for is the awarness of our violated rights. I am mainly concentrating on the first 10 rights, but I need some help. I need help finding good examples of as many violated rights as I can! I have one for the 1st made up already. it speaks of Irwin Schiff and his banned book “the Federal Mafia” and even his conviction. I figured censorship is a good example eh? Also, these violations that I am looking for should be recent within Bush’s reign. Please help me any way that you can with info because this day and age info is tough to find. you can check the sight out at and
thanks a ton!- johnny boy