On February 15th we held a teach-in/discussion/planning meeting here at
Solano in the early afternoon. Only a small number showed up, but all
were students who had been introduced to the World Can’t Wait by
attending the Mission of a Generation presentation/speeches by Sunsara,
Liam and Anastasia we hosted about a week before.
The speaking tour presentation had a turnout well over our expectations (we got confirmation for the room and permission to even have it only about 2 school days before it was held, so there wasn’t the ideal amount of time to promote and do outreach) mostly because of especially two of my teachers, who brought more than one of their classes to hear the speakers instead of holding regular class. We estimated about 120-140 people total came for at least part of it, and at the end there were a solid 80-90 students.
On the 15th we started out by showing the Wars of Aggression segment of the Bush Crimes Commission DVD. After that we basically discussed what everyone thought and felt about it, which led to discussing what people thought and felt in general about the whole situation. Everyone learned/were surprised about at least one thing they hadn’t heard about before watching the video and agreed it was very informative. We discussed what we could do to get the word out to other students on campus and other things we could do to “announce” ourselves. One guy used to work at an independent radio station based at U.C. Davis and said that he could arrange for some radio time/interviews. We also decided to post random blurbs about things all over campus and to hand out ‘myth/bust’ fact sheets about what’s going on. There has basically never been any political group like this ever at Solano, despite the fact that Travis Air Force Base is about 5 miles away and almost everyone at least knows someone in the military, if not in it themselves or directly related to someone who is.
Basically we want to approach this by raising awareness and giving out as much information as possible, focusing a lot on the military aspect because Travis AFB is right around the corner and we constantly have military recruiters in the lobbies and cafeteria.
World Can’t Wait SCC chapter