CONTACT: World Can’t
Wait- Drive Out the Bush Regime
February 12, 2007
Connie Julian 917-449-9064
National Student Strike Against the War on
February 15 on 14+ Campuses
Strikes, walk-outs, or rallies are planned for February 15
at 14+ campuses nationwide including Columbia
University, Fordham
University, UC – Berkeley,
UC – Davis, Sonoma
State, Mills
College, Occidental
College, San
Francisco State, University of North Carolina
– Greensboro, Vanderbilt
University, Georgia
State, and Columbia College (Chicago).
at UC-Santa Barbara initiated the strike: “We, the students and staff of UC
Santa Barbara, want to challenge our generation to put an end to the U.S. conquest of Iraq. Right now most opposition to
the war is only symbolic. Congress is being sheepish and choosing not to end
the war because we, the people, are not forcing them to act””
Punk band Anti-Flag just posted an announcement of the
student strike on their homepage:
Historian Howard Zinn sent
this message: “I would like to endorse the idea of a student strike on
campuses all over the country on Feb. 15, to rekindle the flame of protest that
flared up all over the world on that date four years ago, as ten million people
protested the pending invasion of Iraq
by the U.S.
World Can’t Wait’s MISSION
OF A GENERATION Speaking Tour featuring Sunsara Taylor, Liam Madden and
Anastasia Gomes has been traveling across the country for the past two weeks,
signing up campuses for the national student strike and the whole movement to
impeach Bush for war crimes.
Check for daily updates on campuses striking, news and photos.