By Jason Page, 2/10/07
The AEI is more than just a think tank, it functions as the Bush
administration’s intellectual Cosa Nostra. They are White House surrogates in
the last throes of their campaign of climate change denial. They lost on the
science; they lost on the moral case for action. All they’ve got left is a
suitcase full of cash.–Ben Stewart of Greenpeace, quoted in The Guardian (London),
“Scientists offered cash to dispute climate study”, Feb 2nd, 2007
The Italian definition of Cosa Nostra (a.k.a. Mafia) is a group of
associations governed by a code of silence and being in control of business
activities that benefit the administration of Sicily.
One big business activity in the Bush administration surrounds big oil
companies incentives in the discredit of evidence in the February 2nd
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on global climate
change. The authors of the report suggest there is a 90% chance humans have
contributed to Global Warming over the past 50 years.
The IPCC study gets its data from ice cores. Scientists drill ice in the
form of a rod and examine the layers for atmospheric concentration of carbon
dioxide which is measured parts of carbon dioxide per million water molecules
(PPM). The study shows that the ppm has ranged from 180 to 300 over the period
of 650,000 years and in 2005 was 379ppm increasing at a rate of 1.9ppm per year
for the past ten years, a drastic change from 1.4ppm per year since 1960.
From this data the
report concludes “Global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide,
methane and nitrous oxide have increased markedly as a result of human
activities since 1750…”
But on the day that this report was due to be published, selected
scientists and economists had been offered $10,000 each to suggest otherwise by
the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
In the beginning of “Some
Like it Hot“, Chris Mooney writes “Forty public policy groups have
this in common: They seek to undermine the scientific consensus that humans are
causing the earth to overheat. And they all get money from ExxonMobil.”
Among those public policy groups is the AEI, a neoconservative think tank
that has provided capitalistic support by putting it’s supporters in influential
governmental positions since 1943. 20 staff of AEI have consulted with the Bush
Administration; Lee Raymond, former CEO of ExxonMobil is now vice-chairman of
AEI’s board of trustees; Dick Cheney is an alumni of AEI and his wife Lynne
Cheney is now a senior fellow.
At the time “Some Like it Hot” was published, AEI was cited as receiving a
private donation of $960,000 from ExxonMobil in 2005, a 60% increase over the
previous 7 years according to $1.6 million in donations since 1998 surveyed by
Union of Concerned Scientists.
In a letter to scientists and economists on July 5th of 2006 Kenneth
Green of AEI awards $10,000 for any essay or article that “emphasise [sic]
the shortcomings” of the IPCC report. And the tone of the letter is biased
as to suggest probable fault with the report: “As with any large-scale
‘consensus’ process, the IPCC is susceptible to self-selection bias in its
personnel, resistant to reasonable criticism and dissent, and prone to summary
conclusions that are poorly supported by the analytical work of the complete…
The letter from AEI to scientists and economists was obtained by
environmental group Greenpeace and the February 2nd issue of the London’s
Guardian was the first news source to publish the findings.
More recent news stories such as February 9th’s “Global Warming Smear” in
the Wall Street Journal are denying any suspicion of bribery by recollecting
AEI’s action, quoting a more subtle toned portion of the letter that asks
scientists to evaluate a “range of policy prescriptions that should be
considered for climate change of uncertain dimension.” Reportedly, Exxon
is seeking a retraction of any suspicion of bribery from the reports.
Main sources:
“Scientists offered cash to dispute climate study”, Feb. 2nd, 2007, London’s
Climate Change 2007, Vol. 1:
“Global Warming Smear”, February 9th, Wall Street Journal, Section A, Pg. 10.