Below are the essential materials for building a movement to drive out the Bush regime this spring. You can find more by clicking the links to the left.
The Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime
[download pdf]
To change the political conversation in this country, to confront people with the reality of what the Bush regime is doing, and to call forth the movement that is needed, one million copies of this Call need to get into people’s hands this spring. Part of that will come through people like you downloading copies and passing them out everywhere you go.
Download the Call in other languages:
[spanish] [farsi]
Sign up new organizers and supporters for the movement to drive out the Bush regime:
Sign-up sheet – take clipboards full of these and sign people up in everywhere you go:
[download sign-up sheet]
Pledge cards – pass these out at meetings and events:
[download pdf]
The following DVD’s available at our online store and are perfect organizing tools for house showings, classrooms, teach-ins, and meetings (click on the DVD to order:
Voices for Impeachment: Bush Must Go! If war crimes, torture, & crimes against humanity are not reason to impeach, what is? Featuring Daniel Ellsberg, Cindy Sheehan, John Nichols, Michael Ratner, Sunsara Taylor, & Gore Vidal. Held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on January 4th, 2007, the opening day of Congress.
Bush Crimes Commission: A 2-DVD set, featuring highlights of five days of Testimony before the Commission plus the introductory remarks of Harry Belafonte and Michael Ratner. Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski describes the chain of command that authorized the infamous tortures at Abu Graib in Iraq. Ambassador Craig Murray describes how he discovered the horrible tortures being conducted for the U.S. and the U.K. by the government of Uzbekistan. Camilo E. Mejia, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, tells how ordinary soldiers like him were instructed to treat captured Iraqis “like dogs.” Dr. Stephen Miles describes the homicide of an Iraqi prisoner and you will see the prisoner’s body packed in ice with a U.S. soldier giving the “thumbs up.” Barbara Olshansky from the Center for Constitutional Rights pulls together the whole picture of this illegal grab for presidential power, unrestrained by law or morality. as well as many other speakers….
It’s Worse Than You Think: Where the Bush regime is taking the world and why they must be stopped. A teach-in Oct. 30 in NYC featuring: Larry Everest – Author, “Oil, Power & Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda” Bill Goodman – Center for Constitutional Rights Legal Director Chris Hedges – author of bestseller “War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning” Cristina Page – Author, “How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America: Freedom, Politics, and the War on Sex” Les Roberts – An author of the recent study revealing that over 600,000 Iraqis have died since war began.