Liam Madden is a Veteran of a four-year tour of service in
the U.S. Marine Corps, including seven months in Iraq. After returning to the United States, Sergeant Madden seized the
opportunity to mobilize his fellow service members to speak out against the
illegal, unjustified, and never-ending occupation of Iraq.
Liam is a co-founder of the
Appeal for Redress, a campaign of active service members who are appealing to
congress to remove all American military forces and bases from Iraq. From within the ranks of the military Sergeant
Madden has been propelled to the forefront of the anti-war movement. In building the Appeal for Redress Liam has
dedicated the last few months to being a leading activist and acting as a media
spokesperson for the 1,200 service men and women who have signed the Appeal.
“There are some important issues that people need to raise.
And this is one very close to my heart,” Madden stated on CNN recently. Liam
hopes the movement to end the war will catalyze people in this nation to seek a
new direction in our society. The
Army Times quoted Madden in an article covering the Appeal for Redress:
“Not one more of my brothers should die for a lie. This is my generation’s call to conscience.”
Liam is appearing regularly in the national and
international media, including 60 Minutes on CBS, MSNBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, National
Public Radio, Newsweek,
LA Times, Salon,
and The Washington Post. Liam is
motivated by the urgency to end the war and he is determined to reach through
the apathy of our culture and inspire people to change the world.
As a patriotic American proud to serve
the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to
support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases from Iraq . Staying
in Iraq
will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to
come home.