With Amy Goodman, John Nichols, David
Swanson, Larry Everest, Mark Manning, Robin Andersen, Sam Husseini,
Normon Solomon, Jeff Cohen, Peter Hart, Russ Baker, Sunsara Taylor,
Peter Phillips
From David Swanson: At the National Conference for Media Reform in Memphis, Tenn., on
January 13, 2007, a bunch of us got together and organized a couple of
ad-hoc panels about the war and impeachment. On a day’s notice, we
packed the rooms and drew crowds that wanted to discuss these issues as
long as the speakers would stay. If you didn’t make it to Memphis, you
missed a great conference. You can find videos of Bill Moyers, Jesse
Jackson and other speakers here.
Below are the videos and audio of our war and impeachment events. Enjoy!
Evening Panel on War, Media, and Impeachment
Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 13, 2007
John Nichols
David Swanson
Larry Everest
Mark Manning
Amy Goodman
Robin Andersen
Sam Husseini
Norman Solomon
Jeff Cohen
Afteroon Panel on Bush’s Escalation Speech, the War, and the Media
Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 13, 2007
John Nichols
David Swanson
Mark Manning
Russ Baker
Sunsara Taylor
Robin Andersen
Peter Phillips
Larry Everest
Discussion – Part 1
Audio of Afteroon Panel on Bush’s Escalation Speech, the War, and the Media: