The protest will be held at Upper Senate Park (Delaware & Constitution, just north of the Capitol) starting at 12:00 noon Thursday, Jan. 4. The day Congress opens, World Can’t Wait will lead a major challenge to the political direction in this country since the election. A regime as criminal as the Bush regime still allowed to even remain in office? No! An unjust war started on lies, allowed to continue for four years despite an election where people meant to express how strongly they want it stopped? No! The Democrats, now the majority, allowing debate only on how to run the war more effectively, and saying that impeachment can’t even be considered? No! Evening program: Buses will be going from New York City to DC Buses will leave at 6am from Union Square East & 16th St. Click here for more info. Why is Bush guilty of impeachable offenses? |
The whole program of the Bush administration must be stopped. If George Bush is allowed to finish out his term, all the destruction and the whole direction he has taken society will be condoned, legitimated and made permanent. We demand Congress investigate and hold accountable the Bush Administration for criminal liability and bring articles of impeachment against the President.
Generations from now people will ask what did the people of this country do when they knew their government was committing war crimes: launching a war based on the unlawful doctrine of “preventive” war; indiscriminately using cluster bombs, depleted uranium and chemical weapons against civilians; and carrying out an illegal occupation?
What will you say when they ask why a President who decided he could order torture with impunity stayed in office?
Will your answer be that we did nothing because Congress refused to act, counseling governing from the center and working with the President and seeking unity and common ground with war criminals, religious fanatics and fascists?
Your government, on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous and utterly immoral and illegitimate war in Iraq – with Iran now in its sights.
Your government is openly torturing people. In violation of international law, with the Military Commissions Act of 2006, it has made torture legal and granted itself immunity from criminal prosecution.
Your government is creating a police state – obliterating basic constitutional protections, such as the right to habeas corpus, the right to privacy and the right to dissent.
For the war to end now, for torture to stop, to restore rights stolen, we the people must act. No one will do this for us. That which you do not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn – or be forced – to accept.
We can and must create a political situation where the Bush regime’s whole program is repudiated, where Bush himself is driven from office and where the whole direction he has been taking society is reversed.
January 4, 2007: Demonstrate in Washington DC as Congress opens! Impeach Bush! THE WORLD CAN”T WAIT – DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME!
Endorsers: 911Truth.org; James Abourezk; AfterDowningStreet.org; DAWN (DC Anti-War Network); Democracy Rising; Green Party USA; Bill Goodman, Center for Constitutional Rights*; ImpeachBush.org; ImpeachForPeace.org; ImpeachBush.tv; Lucinda Marshall, Feminists for Peace; Cynthia McKinney; National Lawyers Guild; Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Families for Peace; United for Lt. Watada; Gore Vidal; The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime; Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Hip Hop Caucus
*Organization for identification purposes only.
**911Truth.org endorsed several weeks ago, but do to an oversight was left off the above list until now.
Organizing Resources:
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NYC bus info:
Buses will leave at 6:00 AM from east side of Union Square (Union Square East and 16th Street) and return to NYC leaving at 4:00 PM. Roundtrip tickets: $35.00 regular tickets; $25.00 students/low income; $50.00 sustainer (own ticket plus helping us cover the cost for low income people to come).
To purchase tickets by phone, for other locations where tickets can be
obtained, or to arrange obtaining a block of tickets for your group or
organization, please call Charlotte at 212-866-9653.
Tickets can be purchased on line at www.worldcantwait.org using PayPal (above), or purchased in person at:
NYC Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild [113 University Place (@ E. 13th St), 8th Floor, one block south of Union Square, call 212/679-6018 before coming]
Revolution Books [9 West 19th Street, 12-7 Mon-Sat; 12-5 Sun]
Namaskar [643 Vanderbuilt Avenue, Brooklyn 718-636-1967 – 3 blks from Grand Army Plaza]
Please purchase your ticket early, so that if we need to rent more buses we will have time to do so. Get on the bus! See you in D.C.
For more info contact nyc@worldcantwait.org.