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World Can’t Wait asked what you think the meaning and significance of the election is and what the movement to drive out the Bush regime needs to be doing right now. Below is an initial batch of responses – check back here for more.
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While Bush and his corrupt administration deserve impeachment for their high crimes and misdemeanors, it’s probably best to put energy in repairing all the damage over these next two years. But an administration never deserved it like this one does! It will go down in history as being the most corrupt and do nothing congress yet.
NOT impeaching Bush is a bitter pill to swallow, since he so richly deserves it. But think about it – which would be better? Putting all that time and energy into impeaching Bush when the fool only has two more years, or beginning to correct all the problems his adminstration has created over the last six years? It’s going to take a long time to make all the corrections. In 2008 when we have the Presidential election, it would be better to be able to point to positive accomplishments, like helping balance the budget, improving health care, getting out of Iraq, improving the environment, regaining our rights under the Constitution, etc. If energies are spent on impeachment, it will not be possible to make these other good changes and the parties will be even more bitterly divided (if that’s possible!) As Henry Reid said, “We will not treat them (Republicans) like they treated us.” So while not giving Bush & Co. what they richly deserve, we must think carefully about what is best for the country in the longrun and also while we have this opportunity for good changes with a Democratically controlled Congress. It may take more courage to take the high road than not. It does hurt, but it is the finer choice.
A word of caution. It is the work that is important. If those of us who organize and work for change are forgotten, that should be okay as long as this country is back in the hands of the people where it was founded to be. I pray ego never will become a part of any of this or it is this country we will lose to the fascists. It must always be the work that is important.
Sincerely beside you in disgust at this fascist regime,
Really all I want to say…………THANK YOU, for all the efforts and inspiration!
I think you are absolutely correct! the bunch in power now are not nice people, the last thing the rest of us need to do now is look the other way. They, and their self-serving way need investigation, and a full dose of domestic law applied. But not while at the reigns of power. If the investigating warrants, let’s impeach, prosecute and move on. But it’ll be a hollow victory if we now just look the other way.
First, the feeling of angry demonstrations, if appropriately connected to a brilliant public relations campaign, could be used to convey the following message to the American electorate: “unless you start supporting the moderate and anti-war candidates in whatever party you support, don’t be surprised if soon we are back into the extremely polarized atmosphere of the Vietnam War era, so you might want to support candidates who would support impeachment of the president [We The PEOPLE may have to do this] — to avoid that kind of development which will happen if we continue on our present path.” In this way, we would be driving out the Bush Administration in a totally legitimate and non-violent way.
The struggle is not over! Do not let the guard down! Nancy Pelosi has not spoken about the troop withdrawal from Iraq and other places. Pelosi said that the impeachment is off the table. I think Pelosi chose Joe Lieberman to head Home Security. Let’s not forget about Joe Lieberman and other “democrats” complicity. Sooner or later, one way or the other, Justice shall prevail. I hope Nancy Pelosi becomes a good democrat and not a good “democrat”.
I hope Nancy Pelosi and the other democrats don’t forget who put them where they are and how they got there. The democrats have won, but that does not mean that the people have won. I do not quite trust Pelosi, at least not yet. John McCain (a “moderate” republican) has proposed to send 20,000 more troops to Iraq. Will Pelosi comply? Only a few democrats can be trusted. Now it’s up to Pelosi to leave a good legacy. There was never a war on terrorism, but a war of terrorism. The Bush’s war of terrorism was mainly targeted against his political opponents (the true democrats, the liberals, the progressives andthe left). Let’s not forget that the republicans rigged the elections again.
The new Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, has already stated in a press conference and in an interview with Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes, that impeachment is not on the table. She said that impeachment “is too much trouble. .
President Bush is a lame president.” I have already written an editorial and sent it to the Washington Post and USA Today sayinig that whether or not to impeach is not a decision that Pelosi or any
other legislator can make unilaterally: in other words, that is for the people of this nation to decide.
Please make a ruckus so extreme that you have to be given press coverage because until the media acknowledges the peoples’ will, nothing will be said or done about impeachment in the House or Senate.
These people are running scared because they’ve seen for themselves how vengeful the Bush family can be. None of them want to lose their jobs BUT that’s too bad because their job is to listen to the people and
act accordingly. Our main goal is to get ourselves IN THE MEDIA, TV ESPECIALLY.
As you can see, I’m still very focused on getting rid of this crook and all of his cronies. I’m doing all that I can do alone, which is to make a fuss in the newspapers.
Good luck to WCW and bless you all for your courage and determination!
My note was spurred by reading Sunsara Taylor’s excellent essay “The Democrats Won, But the People Have Not” in today’s e-mail advisory.
I wanted to comment though on WCW’s use of the pronoun “your” in the list of indictments (“Your Government is…”). I believe it is a divisive term that serves to separate the American people from what may appear to be an elite of omniscient, guiltless, moralists standing in judgment of their inferiors. Rather, using “Our Government” seems to include those at odds with the Bush policies into one community and, unless those who use the word ‘your’ are refusing to pay taxes, engaging in obstructive tactics to prevent the implementation of Bush’s policies – risking arrest and imprisonment, and other acts of extreme resistance, then WE are ALL complicit, to one extent or another, in Bush’s policies (who of us really did ALL we could in 2000 to prevent his election?). To suggest to those we are trying to reach that only THEY, not WE, are guilty of neglecting their moral duties implicitly states a moral superiority and inferiority relationship that does little to garner support. I urge you and the WCW leadership to consider changing the indictments to say OUR Government, not YOUR Government.
-from Marshall, TX
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