Bush, Republicans in Congress, and theocratic Christian fundamentalist organizations have demonized gay people, sought to pass a federal Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, and promoted “values” of bigotry and intolerance. Already 27 states have banned gay marriage, and hate crimes against gays are on the rise.
You went to the polls Nov. 7th hoping that a Democratic Congress could put a stop to this onslaught of bigotry and legalized discrimination.
What are the Democrats saying about the attacks on gays?
Harold Ford, Jr., who lost a tight race for the Senate in Tennessee, responded to his Republican opponents attack ads claiming he supported gay marriage:
“I do not support the decision today reached by the New Jersey Supreme Court regarding gay marriage. I oppose gay marriage, and have voted twice in Congress to amend the United States Constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage. This November there’s a referendum on the Tennessee ballot to ban same-sex marriage – I am voting for it.”
Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker elect, when asked about gay marriage on 60 Minutes October 22, 2006:
“Well, that’s an issue that is not an issue that we’re fighting about here.”
Howard Dean, Democratic National Committee Chair, said on Pat Robertson’s The 700 Club this past May:
“The Democratic Party platform from 2004 says that marriage is between a man and a woman. That’s what it says.”