“We arouse consciousness in order to create mass resistance”*. Right now we need voices that will speak clearly and unapologetically about the Bush Regime’s horrific program and the stakes humanity faces in this pivotal moment. Invite professors, progressive religious leaders, writers or veterans against the war to speak at your event.
Think Big. Think Broadly. Is there an artist in your area who would show an exhibit to make your event come alive? A scientist or doctor that could speak about the Bush administration’s attacks on science? Below are a list of groups that provide speakers concerning the issues addressed and might be able to help with World Can’t Wait’s call for Emergency Teach-Ins.
*Historians Against the War
*Theocracy Watch
*American Civil Liberties Union (http://www.aclu.org – click on link to “Your Local ACLU”)
*Iraq Veterans Against the War (http://www.ivaw.net)
*Military Families Speak Out (http://www.mfso.org – click on “Chapters”)