In Boulder at CU Boulder, the WCW protest was in conjunction with
Columbus day protests going on this week. Among the speakers was an
Ethics professor who talked about such things as Love, Knowledge and
Social Justice for all people regardless of their Race, Creed, Color,
or Gender, the types of topics that the Neocons would consider to be
radical and un-American. I would guess there was between 100 to 150
people there.
Secondly, I went to Longmont, which is about half way
between Denver and Ft. Collins. There was a group that has been
protesting the war meeting on the main street of town. It was a small
group of 10-12 but spirited. And we got nothing but favorable responses
from drivers. There was one lady to note who was in town from Nebraska
for a wedding who took time out to join us.
Finally, I went to the
rally at the State Capitol in downtown Denver. I would guess there was
between 150-200 people lining the street of the west side of the
Capitol building. And once again it was an overwhelmingly favorable
response to our signs and protest. I had several people come up to me
with what I would call bitter smiles, thanking us for doing this. The
vast majority of people are on our side and hopefully this event will
be a catalyst to help people get over their apathy and timidness about
speaking out. Being a Buddhist, my thinking on the event brought up a
saying: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” We
took a single step on Oct. 5th. Thanks.