26 people marched and rallied at the center of the town known as the “y”. Many of the people there were high school students who walked out and I read the WCW speech (I’m a high sschool student). Flyers with the call on them were passed out to anyone and everyone who would take them, posters were put up around the town, and students from the local high school did a presentation at lunch about Oct 5. at school to the student body.
Only three adults came to the rally, the other 23 people were from the local high school. One of the adults was a represenative for a man running for city council, another was a man from an organization that I can’t quite recall the name of, and the third was a civillian who spoke out against the Bush regime, and explained what a theocracy is to those who did not know. In all there were only five males and twenty one females.
Many of the people who came were there because they were concerned about their future and how the Bush regime is affecting it. The majority of us were of the youth and all of us despise what the Bush regime is doing, and feel that we shouldn’t have to pay for what they are doing. A few people joined in from the streets, but Tahoe is a largely republican community and many people were dismayed by our demonstration. We were egged and yelled at, many adults told us that we were “ignorant” and “stupid”, basically the youth don’t have the right to have opinions that conflict with what older people think. Many people flipped us off and gave us thumbs down, but surprisingly we heard many honks and received many peace signs and thumbs up.
The local newspaper covered WCW on Oct.4 and put and displayed the location and time of our rally the day of the protest, today there is a picture of our rally and an article about the WCW’s turn out nationally. Many people found out about Oct 5th by the posters and flyers and such around town, not to mention my loud mouth. Most of those who turned out visited the website. All of us are planning to hold meetings and continue to try driving out the Bush regime.