(Photos taken by Stanley Rogouski)
As helicopters hovered overhead, people gathered in
A variety of people and groups were represented: The Green Party, the Granny Peace Brigade with giant helium-filled balloons that read, “Troops Home Now” were in large attendance, along with college and high school students proud of having walked out – some from across the river in New Jersey – and spirited people in their 80’s and up. Many people new to this movement came to volunteer – and as we waited for the speakers to begin, many went out along main avenues, calling on others to join us during their lunch break, or to not go to work at all. So many were outraged about the “torture bill” and the war in Iraq, and had signs denouncing these — one sign read, “Future Detainee” while others carried the names of U.S. soldiers who’d been killed.
Then, at noon, as trumpets blared from the stage, people flooded forward to hear who was going to be speaking that day. At this morning rally, before the march, speakers included Elaine Brower, whose son is a Marine in Fallujah, and who has become an example to so many others with her spirit, unapologetic determination, and heart; writer and actor Malachy McCourt; The UN 16, who performed civil disobedience on Sept 19 as Bush spoke at the UN; Missy Beattie from Military Families Speak Out; Jonathan Tasini; Grannies for Peace/ Grandmothers Against the War; Ted Glick, Climate Crisis Association; David Jones, Peace Action New York State, who many people were excited to hear; 9/11 Truth; and George MacAnanama, Veterans for Peace.
The police department had tried to stifle and silence the impact of the protest so many times leading up to this day, from refusing to grant a march permit for Broadway (which would have been seen by many more people), to when we’d be allowed to have amplified sound. But this did not in anyway deter the people – the march was energetic, with dozens of high school students leading the march, many dressed in orange jumpsuits blaring, “
Many stores along
Lydia Sugarman, 82, from
As we turned onto
Then, at 4PM sharp, the sounds of DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME could be heard loud and clear!
A rapt and passionate crowd that ranged as much in age as it did in political perspective and “newness or experience” in protesting, stayed close to the stage, really into and respecting each speaker who addressed them. A performance by Koba and DJ Boo started us off right, and then we were off!
Speakers included author Michael Eric Dyson; attorney Michael Ratner from Center for Constitutional Rights, who represents Guantanamo detainees; Ann Wright, who resigned from her government post in protest of the Iraq war and has since become a leading anti-war voice; Ben Marble, the doctor who became famous for telling Dick Cheney to “go fuck himself” while he was touring the wasteland the government left in New Orleans; WCW National Coordinator Debra Sweet; US Rep Cynthia McKinney; actor Mark Ruffalo, who read a speech from Sean Penn and gave his own heartfelt speech; author Esther Kaplan; Jean Rohe, the New School graduate who daringly spoke out against Sen. McCain as she stood on stage with him at her graduation last year; Carl Dix, National Spokesperson for the Revolutionary Communist Party; Dana from Code Pink; Dannet Chavis, October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality; Al Ronzoni, Progressive Democrats of America; and Wavy Gravy.
The crowd, which throughout the day totaled around 5,000, was very angry at what this government has done, and were appreciative of the people who came to speak out, to call on others to join us, and inspire us to do what has never been done: build a movement to drive an illegitimate regime from power.
The evening ended on a high and powerful note, with a performance by Outernational (who now has a new fan in a 90-year-old WCW volunteer!), and DJ Boo.
Much of the crowd thanked the WCW volunteers for making Oct 5 happen in NYC, giving them a chance to repudiate this regime, declare their opposition, and become part of something that has an actual chance to stop this whole thing. They left with the beautiful, dramatic signs that can be seen in pictures from the day, that have the globe on fire and the words, “The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime!” and many left with stacks of fliers, wanting to bring more people out to the meeting on Thursday, where we will organize to build this movement to the size and strength it needs to be to drive out this regime.
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