Not all Christians believe in Pres Bush’s policies of waging wars.
Different Christians emphasized different parts of the Bible — some Armageddon, others peacemaking. (Mat 5.39) “Blessed are the peacemakers.”
Although liberal Christians and Jews also wait for the Messiah to
come someday, they don’t believe that s/he will destroy all
non-believers. (Zec 14)
Since Muslims, Christians, and Jews are all descendants of Abraham,
let us just get along and work together for peace with justice for all
of God/Allah’s people who are in need for a just peace and security in
their land.
Religious people are not to endorse partisan candidates, but we can
support biblical issues of justice and influence legislation in our
Rev Ilse Peetz
United Methodist Retired Pastor
Signer of the Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime