The New Paltz Oracle, 10/1/06
By Jena Leibowitz, Staff Writer
“Drive out the Bush regime,”
was the slogan of the night at’s Sept. 19 meeting.
Their main focus of the night was the Oct. 5 rally in Hasbrouck Park.
gathered in nearby Cottekill to plan for their upcoming event. Co-chair
of the chapter, Joshua Schulman, said that the group formed within the
past four to five weeks. He said that there are more people who are
sympathetic to their cause that simply need a way to connect and this
was a good way to do it.
Their main goal is to get information out about the wrong-doings of the Bush administration.
“There is just too much misinformation,” said Schulman.
Sophomore Emily Canty, a communications major, said, “I didn’t even realize he was accused of war crimes.”
This seems to be common among students at New Paltz. Many were not aware of the current issues.
Web site [] provided so much information,” said
sophomore Pamela Christopher, a fine arts major. ” I didn’t know about
a lot of their issues before.”
When members introduced themselves
they also spoke on what motivated them to join. They overwhelmingly
stated their unhappiness with the current administration.
The group rally will be take place on Oct. 5, in Hasbrouck Park at 11a.m. and will go until 10:00 p.m.
As the co-chair, Eeo Stubblefield said, “the revolution doesn’t wait on rain.”