World Can’t Wait received the following 10/4:
I just wanted to let you know that here in Santa Cruz I’ve decided to close our two internet coffeehouses (Coffeetopia) in solidarity with the Oct. 5th actions. We will have a car-pool up to the San Francisco protest and march, and any staff member who would like to join in Driving out the Bush Regime in any way will be compensated for their time; we came to the descision too late to schedule a day off for all, so some folks will otherwise lose out on needed work.
The biggest impact so far has been the amount of discussion and focus since we put up our closing notices on tuesday. There has yet to be any negative feedback to the closing and a TON of support. In our public notice we urged everyone to become an active citizen and act! All is not well with the world… But we can and must change it!
World Can’t Wait received the following from an acupuncturist in Florida:
Even though I am a medical practice and it hurts to close the doors to those in need, I indeed will be closed. This issue is so very important that I have sent letters to over 1000 patients asking them if they can to at least take the day off! Life and health are everything and without a healthy planet, we cannot be healthy!
9/27: Radio ads for Waking Up, a co-op sweatshop-free clothing store in Detroit, announce to listeners that the will be closed on October 5th to participate in the protests called by The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime.
Click here to listen to the commercial.
Click here to see responses from other businesses when they heard about Waking Up’s plans.
If you own a business:
Imagine if on store windows across the country, right next to the business hours, there were large signs reading “We will be closed on October 5 to participate in the nationwide protests to drive out the Bush regime. Join us at (local protest information).”
Imagine if more commercials like the one from Waking Up appeared on the radio and TV.
Imagine if employees got a paid “protest day” on Oct. 5.
You don’t just have to imagine.
The future is unwritten. WHICH ONE WE GET IS UP TO US.