By Joshua Daniel Hershfield, 9/28/06
Currently at work within the Bush administration is a plan
to build a 700 mile long, $2 billion fence along the border of Mexico and the United States, complete with
electric shock wiring, squad cars, guard towers, and search lights. In addition to this plan that holds
similarities with Nazi Germany, North Korea,
and the Gaza
strip, is a bill that would allow the indefinite detention of immigrants
seeking asylum, and a bill that would allow the deportation of people without
judicial review.
Under the rule of the Bush administration, the United States
has become a country that openly tortures people in secret prisons, wages war
for financial gain and economic control, considers mass murder via bombs and
artillery fire a justified means of maintaining power, is willing to use
nuclear weapons, steals elections, attacks civil rights while using civil
rights as a justification for war, and is willing to surround its borders with
military might in order to keep out “undesireables.” This is fascism.