Below is a sampling of the numerous responses from across the country about why people signed the statement Silence at a Time of Torture is Complicity:
Above all, because this government ceased to represent the
people when George Bush stole the election in 2000. This has been borne out in
the form of illegitimate war for empire and now with total disregard for human
dignity. It’s disgusting. There can be no compromise where torture is
concerned; it’s always wrong. I can’t stand to live in a country that codifies
torture as an option and I will fight the direction of this regime with all
that I have. Give us our country back!!
-Kalamazoo, MI
Because I must. -Maple Grove, MN
To try and save America for my grandchildren. -Wisconsin
Because torture has finally in the past few decades of human
history been recognized nearly universally as barbaric and a crime against
humanity. To make torture legal by the US is a giant step backward.
Torture is terrorism, and I don’t support terrorism.
The horrors of 1930s Germany are beginning to be
replicated here subtly changes that bring about horrific consequences. A true
patriot will fight for his country, even if it means fighting the government. -Lansing,
For an American president to have such single, sole
authority for such actions constitutes not a democratic president but nothing
more then a dictator, nothing short of Saddam himself, the persons Bush says the
world is better off without. -Baltimore, Maryland
There is no excuse for the hideous practice of torture. I am
ashamed of my country and those leaders who lie and say that the American
people want this. Should it come to pass, it will haunt us all our days and for
the days of generations to come. It must not happen.
Against the slaughter of the innocent.