“With elections coming up in November, October 5th is perfect timing for sending a clear message to those in power – and those running for office – that we, the people, demand peace. Come out to stand for an end to the war in Iraq and for our resources to be used for uplifting our lives and saving our planet.”
Medea Benjamin will be speaking at the Oct. 5 rally in San Francisco.
medea i watched u on fox news this morning and i am totally against u. i am a retired vet of 24years and i can say u dont have a clue what those troops overseas need. i do and what they need is support,support in more troops. if they dont get them more soldiers will die. all i have to say is u are un american and a communist u just need to disband ur organization
You are one of the most descipicable excuses for a human being I have ever heard or had the displeasure to hear. Your rantings are just that – totally without merit or logic. You have no concept what it means to be an American. You are a communist and really take your skinny little lesbian, bug-eyed, pointy-long nosed self (along with your cohorts) to some other counry so we don’t have to breathe the same air as you. You should have your”citizenship” revoked. Your are a traitor and the most un-
American person I have ever heard.
You don’t deserve to be in the same country with any of the true patriots – the men and women who keep your and your kind safe everyday. You sleep safely because I send my son choose to protect the liks of you. You don’t deserve to say the word “Marine” and you don’t know the meaning of sacrifice, you, self-serving communist, communist, communist – and that does not spell American in any language. And just for the record, your pal, Cindy, is a disgrace to military mothers everywhere. She didn’t care enough to raise her own son. She didn’t instill the integrity, honest, or decency that made him want to serve and die for his country. She, like you, Miss Communist poster-child, doesn’t know the meaning of those words. You are a disgrace to honorable women everywhere and you don’t deserve to wear pink. God-forbid, I ever put pink on my grand-daughter again. You have made it a filthy, disgusting word.