An apathetic generation? We don’t think so. Underneath the surface there are students all across the country who are outraged and distressed by the direction the Bush regime is dragging society and the prospects of a future stamped with Bush’s agenda. Sentiments and words need to turn into action on October 5th; the deafening silence on campuses must end. Hear what students and youth have to say about the state of the world and the need to bring Bush’s crimes to a halt on October 5th.
Why Are You Walking Out on October 5th?
From High School Students Around the Country ( updated statements from Students in Indiana)
A Call to Students: All Out for October 5th
By Juan Flavio Galindo
President of the International Student Organization, Columbia College, Chicago.
Take Back Our Planet
By Jean Rhoe
New School Graduate
Why the World Can’t Wait
By Roxana Safipour
Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( M.I.T. )
By Stephen Zook
Temple University Chapter
The Possibility of Impeachment and Why Our Generation Must Take to the Streets
By Kara Singer
Georgetown Student- Georgetown National Lawyer’s Guild