The following is a collection of opeds, statements, and analysis of the torture bill being passed by Congress and signed by Bush:
Habeas Corpus, R.I.P. (1215 – 2006)
By Molly Ivins, 9/27/06
The Torture Bill: Compromising Your Way To Fascism
Revolution newspaper
Congress Votes for Torture
By RJ Schinner, 9/28/06
That which you will not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn – or be forced – to accept…
Statement from author Erica Jong
Are We Really So Fearful?
By Ariel Dorfman, Washington
Post, 9/24/06
Torture Is A Moral Issue: A Statement of the National
Religious Campaign against Torture
Amnesty International “Deeply Disturbed” By New Detainee Legislation
The Torture Bill: Compromising Your Way To Fascism
Revolution newspaper
The “scenic route” to torture
By Glenn Greenwald, 9/22/06
A Tortured Debate
By Molly Ivins, 9/22/06
Does It Work?
By Edwidge Danticat, Washington
Post, 9/24/06
Selected Quotes:
“Can’t the United States see that when we
allow someone to be tortured by our agents, it is not only the victim and the
perpetrator who are corrupted, not only the “intelligence” that is
contaminated, but also everyone who looked away and said they did not know,
everyone who consented tacitly to that outrage so they could sleep a little
safer at night, all the citizens who did not march in the streets by the
millions to demand the resignation of whoever suggested, even whispered, that
torture is inevitable in our day and age, that we must embrace its
-Ariel Dorfman, exiled Argentine-Chilean author of Death and the Maiden, professor at Duke University,
signer of the World Can’t Wait Call
“Torture is un-American, un-Christian, and dangerous.
It obtains false information & hurts our country and our citizens –
particularly captured soldiers. We do not support your resort to torture.”
-Erica Jong, best selling author of Fear of Flying and many other books.
“Now, in addition to the slightly surreal awakening to
find we live in a country that’s having a serious debate on a torture bill, can
we do anything about it? The answer is: We better. We better do something about
it. Now, right away. What do we do? The answer is: anything … phone, fax,
e-mail, mail, demonstrate-go stand outside their offices or the nearest federal
building in the cold and sing hymns or shout rude slogans, chant or make a
speech “”
-Molly Ivins, syndicated columnist
I have been tortured for over a year and a half. I have been a victim of sensory overload, sleep deprivation and constant harassment everyday and every night. The pain is excruciating. I am experiencing extreme pain in my head, neck, and back. i have constant headaches, difficulty breathing, hallucinations, anxiety, severe depression, memory loss, and at times have lost the will to live. From my understanding, torture was illegal against US citizens, but it seems like everybody thinks that it’s ok to do this to me believing that they will never be a target to this type of treatment. i have tried to contact lawyers, but every time i contact a lawyer, my message is intercepted and the lawyers are paid off not to help me. i get pounded on every night and nobody will help to stop this. i’m being treated as some type of prisoner of war due to an employment lawsuit. i feel like some type of lab rat, and there is no end in sight. they program my dreams and inject any type of information into my mind while using all methods possible to drive me insane. is there anything that i can do to stop this?