By Kenneth J. Theisen, 9/17/06
In the 1940s a group known as the White Rose Society was formed among German
students who opposed the Hitler regime.
They were famous for a leaflet campaign in which they called for active
opposition to the Nazi regime. The group was formed initially by five students
at Munich University. During 1942 and 1943 they
prepared and distributed six different leaflets, in which they called for an
end to Nazi oppression through active opposition of the German people. The
students were joined by a professor, Kurt Huber. In 1943, three of the students
were arrested by the Gestapo. They were tried by Hitler’s “People’s Court”,
sentenced to death and beheaded the same day.
In the next few months many more were arrested and more death sentences
were handed down by these extraordinary courts that operated outside the normal
German justice system.
The Nazi regime had come to power in 1933 and within a relatively short
period of time it controlled everything: the media, police, military, the
legislature, the courts, education, and virtually all religious and cultural
institutions. Children were
indoctrinated and told to inform on their parents. Informants reported people
for making remarks against Hitler or his regime. Mail was opened, calls
monitored, and meetings watched. Organized resistance was nearly impossible
within Germany.
But against all odds the students did organize and they called for open
resistance to the regime? Youth throughout history have often been idealistic,
rebellious, and willing to take risk against repression. This was true of those in and around the
White Rose Society. But by the time of
the White Rose activities, Hitler had consolidated power. Organized mass protests were virtually
impossible. For example, of the first
100 leaflets distributed by White Rose over 30 were turned over to the Gestapo
by the recipients.
The Bush regime is not yet at the stage of the Hitler regime in 1942. But we would be foolish to wait for the
regime to have the same control over society as Hitler did then before we
protest. By then it will be too late. We have the power now to communicate
despite the spying programs of the regime.
We can even still openly publish articles such as this one. We can and must act by organizing a mass
movement that will protest in the streets starting with tens of thousands on
October 5th. Millions hate
everything that the Bush regime has done and will do unless halted. We have the duty and opportunity to drive out
the Bush regime before it can consolidate all power into its hands.
White Rose member, Professor Kurt Huber, gave an impassioned speech before
the People’s Court upon being sentenced to death. In calling for continued
resistance to Hitler, he quoted the philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte
“….you must act as though the fate of Germany depended entirely upon you
and your actions, and all responsibility were yours alone?”
We must act with the same determination that Huber and the other members of
the White Rose acted. The responsibility
is ours alone to act together to drive the regime from power. The world can’t