David Postman, Seattle Times, 6/25/06
Seattle librarians who went to the American Library Association meeting
in New Orleans to push for a resolution calling for President Bush to
resign or be impeached were unable to get the measure introduced. But
they’ll try again when the ALA comes to Seattle in January. Seattle
librarian Lynn Lorenz, who was not in New Orleans but has been involved
in the effort, told me that the group ran into procedural problems
stemming from their lack of experience in the ways of ALA. (And ALA
officials have told me it is a complicated process.)
Here’s what Lorenz e-mailed me tonight:
“What we did do, was gain a lot of support for the resolution from colleagues,
including some on the ALA Council, who have offered advice and concrete
help to get the resolution introduced at the ALA Midwinter Meeting to be
held in Seattle in January. We would’ve loved for it to be introduced
and passed, especially in New Orleans, because we are arguing that the
situation is urgent: Every day that Bush is in office brings a new
violation of national and international law and human decency. However,
we have every intention of following this through and feel the
resolution will have a better chance of passage at this next ALA
national meeting.
“Though such a resolution has no precendent, the main sentiment my
colleagues ran into at the ALA is that the evidence exists and is
well-documented to build a reasoned, factual case for why George W.
Bush should no longer hold the office of the President.”