Summer Campaign Ideas
We need to try and reach the tipping point.
In a time when many have given up hope in the idea of being able to make a difference, we need to unite and galvanize the people across the nation and visual representation in windows and on people’s yards make a very clear message to anyone who passes by that they are not alone.
Store front campaign: store windows all across the country should have world can’t wait posters in their windows to remind people that we are still here and we have not given up. Most of the nation still has no idea that we exist and many most likely assume that we have stopped our campaign, we must change this.
Red States are not Red lets show the
Lawn sign campaign: As we head into election season and millions of lawn sign are being sold door to door for people who are running for office, we should be doing the same with World Can’t Wait signs. Not only is it great promotion for World Can’t Wait, but it is also an ideal way to fundraise. Even if these people choose to put a sign for their political candidate in addition to a World Can’t Wait Sign, this means so much for the message they are sending to their neighbors and the Candidate themselves. Most people from Red States who are against Bush, are thinking that they are alone. If and when these people see that their neighbor two doors down have a Bush Step Down Sign on their lawn, they will see that they are not alone. This is a critical push for a tipping point to be reached. When “Stop The War”lawn signs started going out, they were taken up by many and it started an epidemic. We could do the same but more with this lawn sign campaign.
Why The World Can’t Wait to Drive out the Bush Regime Cards: Business sized cards will be made to give out to students and youth all over the nation who run up against those who say that there is nothing we can do and that we should just wait. Many college age people who try to tell their friends who are demobilized that action is necessary, could use a handy card that would give them quick bullet points on why we need to drive out the Bush regime. Having an easy bullet point business card could help these young people who feel like they want to say something but don’t because they are not confident about their knowledge about what is going on. We can’t expect that at the beginning these youth will just change their whole way of living and become research types who read all the current events and stay informed. The business card stays in the Wallet and can be used at any time to remind oneself of the importance of why we need to drive out the Bush regime.
People don’t always read the call when it is on an 8 1/2 by 11 black and white paper. What can we do about this?Tipping points are not always reached by getting out lots of your message. To say that we want to get out 1 million Calls is great but the sad truth that we are denying is that many people don’t ever read the call when you give it to them and most people don’t have any incentive to keep the piece of paper. If we were finding ways that were bringing people in as opposed to letting them drift away, maybe we would not need 1 million calls distributed.