It’s time we assert ourselves, And said to these outrageous liars Who offended our sense of decency And native intelligence It’s time to BUGGER OFF! Get lost! And let’s unite on behalf…
From Studs Terkel… It’s time we assert ourselves, And said to these outrageous liars Who offended our sense of decency And native intelligence It’s time to BUGGER OFF! Get lost! And let’s…
Dahr Jamail, independent journalist:
“It is more clear now than ever that the Bush Administration is a cabal of war criminals… They’re not going to stop with their agenda; they have to be stopped. World Can’t…
Jamail, Dahr, independent journalist:
“It is more clear now than ever that the Bush Administration is a cabal of war criminals… They’re not going to stop with their agenda; they have to be stopped. World Can’t…
DAHR JAMAIL, independent journalist:
"It is more clear now than ever that the Bush Administration is a cabal of war criminals… They’re not going to stop with their agenda; they have to be stopped. World Can’t…
How Has it Come to This?
By Jim ObergFriday, October 28, 2005 On November 2nd, 2005, one year after an election that saw more ‘irregularities’ than any in recent history, I will be leading a march to the…
Oberg, Jim – How Has it Come to This?
Friday, October 28, 2005 On November 2nd, one year after an election that saw more ‘irregularities’ than any in recent history, I will be leading a march to the streets to drive…
How Has it Come to This?
Friday, October 28, 2005 On November 2nd, one year after an election that saw more ‘irregularities’ than any in recent history, I will be leading a march to the streets to drive…
Howard Zinn
I”d like to express my support for the plan to have nationwide protest by students on November 2nd, 2005 protest not just against the policies of the Bush administration, protest against the…
Zinn, Howard
THE FOLLOWING IS HOWARD ZINN ANNOUNCING, “NOVEMBER 2ND:THE WORLD Can’t WAIT! DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME!” I”d like to express my support for the plan to have nationwide protest by students on…