Speech given at national organizers conference, 11/19 evening panel. Pat- WCW Youth Organizer in CT There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick…
Category: Youth and Students
Defend Hampton University Students Facing Expulsion for Nov2 Protest
Statement demmanding the charges and harassment against Hampton University students who mobilized for Nov.2nd be stopped. Read, circulate and collect signatures. Make plans to have this statement published in newspapers, blogs, websites…
Hampton University Students Not Expelled After an Intense Political Battle
After an intense political battle, with thousands signing on to the statement from World Can’t Wait, students from Hampton and other campuses protesting, and all this breaking into the media, the 7…
Hell Breaks Loose On Capitol Hill over Murtha Resolution
Video Clip of chaos in the House of Representatives over the Murtha’s proposed resolution to withdraw troops from Iraq within 6 months. John Murtha, a very right-wing Democratic congressman with heavy ties…
NYU World Can’t Wait Op-Ed
A op-ed written by NYU World Can’t Wait Organizers about the recent National Conference for their college newspaper. We are encouraging students to write op-eds in an ongoing way to bring the…
Dover, PA High School Students Walkout
Students oppose Bush Dover joins nation in protest Approximately 60 Dover Area High School and intermediate school students staged a walkout yesterday morning as part of a national protest against the Bush…
Liberal Enclaves or Centers of Resistance?
Thoughts on Nov.2nd and immediate, major steps to transform College Campuses into centers for Driving the Bush Regime from power. Allen Lang youth_students@worldcantwait.org November 2nd marked a real launch in a society-wide…
Sights and Sounds From Nov.2nd-Madison, Wisconsin
Interview in Revolution Newspaper with a youth organizer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for World Can’t Wait. Revolution talked with Alice, a youth who organized students at the University of Wisconsin at…
Defend Sayville High School Students Under Attack
After leading an inspiring walkout ( see letter on walkout) on Nov.2nd students at Sayville High School are coming under heavy intimidation that is aimed at squashing political dissent and disabling a…
The Battle at Belmont High(Bush Must Go! Geovany Must Stay!
L.A World Can’t Wait Youth Organizers’ first- hand accounts of the authorities’ unrelenting attempts to crush this burgeoning student movement and the battle shaping up around L.A High School organizer Geovany Serrano. …