This is a letter to professors written by a signer of the Open Letter to Defend Dissent and Critical Thinking on Campus and educator at Columbia College in Chicago, calling on those…
Category: Youth and Students
A Letter to Professors
This is a letter to professors written by a signer of the Open Letter to Defend Dissent and Critical Thinking on Campus and educator at Columbia College in Chicago, calling on those…
The World Can’t Wait: The Bush Administration and Reproductive Health
Text of speech from David Ward of Voices for Choice at a recent speak out at the University of Hawaii. The World Can’t Wait: The Bush Administration and Reproductive Health David…
Rebel With A Cause: News Story on WCW Student Organizer
A local Connecticut newspaper featured an article on World Can’t Wait Student Organizer Pat Korte and news on mobilizing for the State of the Union Protests and the Feb.4th National Mobilization in…
Stop the Political Attacks on WCW D.C Volunteers at Howard University
Article by D.C Volunteers on the recent harrassment of World Can’t Wait Organizers at Howard University and Wilson High School. Today, two teams of youth went into different parts of the city…
NYC Student Vision for Jan.31st
Send in Jan.31st plans for your area. Today we will show the world our future. We are taking to the streets pouring out of the schools, to find millions of people who…
Now is the Time-Take to the Streets Jan. 31st and Feb. 4th!
Atlanta Youth at MLK Parade On November 2, thousands of high school students in Los Angeles walked out of school as part of the nationwide launch of the World Can’t Wait…
If Not Now, When? If Not Us, Who? Countdown to the State of the Union Protests
Check out the essentials and key things Students and Youth need in the run up to the State of the Union and National Mobilization in D.C on Feb.4th. 5 days until Bush’s State of…
Letter from Student in Minnesota: Distraught and Willing
Letter from a student in Minnesota. There are tens of thousands of people across the country who still need to hear about this movement to Drive out the Bush Regime and to…
Get Bush Step Down PSA’s On College Radio-Download and Play New Song “The F Word”
Author Mark Crispin Miller and World Can’t Wait-initiator Sunsara Taylor have recorded PSA’s that have been playing on Air America hitting cities all around the country. Read below for plans to utilize…