“Mission of a Generation campus poster” [download pdf] There are two versions of the poster in the one PDF file: one with all four campus tour speakers and one with just Sunsara…
Category: Youth and Students
Chicago – Getting Started, 2/3/07
“You are doing something so awesome, so needed, and its going to breathtaking.” These are last words spoken to us by our host who has spent the last three days with us…
New Video from Campus Speaking Tour:
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You Don’t Need a Draft to Stop an Unjust War
By RJ Schinner, 2/9/07 In confronting the challenges of ending the war and driving out the Bush regime, all too often the “conventional wisdom” and “rules” of how to move millions of…
Nickelodeon Features Berkeley High School Student World Can’t Wait Organizer
Nick News’ segment “Rebel with a Cause”, hosted by Linda Ellerbee, features a segment on Micah, a 14-year-old student at Berkeley High School student and World Can’t Wait organizer. The segment aired…
The State of our world, in the absence of our Union.
My fellow Generation X-Y-and Z-er’s, The state of our union is dire. Roughly four years ago tonight President Bush stood before the U.S. Congress, America, and the world and made a statement…
February 15th and the Questions Keeping Us Up at Night
By Allen Lang, 2/4/07 “We, the students and staff of UC Santa Barbara, want to challenge our generation to put an end to the U.S. conquest of Iraq. Right now most opposition…
Student Strike Against the War Feb. 15
[post this graphic everywhere – click here for gif file] contact: youth_students@worldcantwait.org Students at UC – Santa Barbara have initiated a one day student strike against the war on February 15th. Students…
Q&A: If we pull out of Iraq, won’t it get worse?
President Bush says failure is not an option – if we pull out of Iraq there will be civil war, chaos and the prospect of this spreading to the whole region. Isn’t…
Tour Schedule
Contact the tour at 347-385-2195 speakingtour@worldcantwait.org to bring it to your campus. Dates in April (more to be announced): April 11 – University of California, Los Angeles, contact la@worldcantwait.org April 12 –…