by Dennis Loo “Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America and he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights.” -Sarah Palin at the Republican National Convention “The looser…
Category: Election Commentary
Religious Right Seeks Big Influence on Elections
By Larry Jones Convention season is upon us, and right wing Christians are getting downright silly. Now they are calling on people to pray for rain just before Barack Obama is to…
Of Worms and Whales: the 2008 Election
By Dennis Loo Many people regard Obama’s upcoming nomination for president as a sign that change is underway and that the nightmare of Bush and Cheney will be over beginning in late…
Threats on Iran and the “Batterer’s Defense”
By Dennis Loo When batterers explain why they beat up their partners, their classic line is that “she made me do it.” We are being proffered a similar excuse about why our…