After yesterday’s momentous SCOTUS decision, as long as this government holds together, someone elected president can do whatever they wish without fear of criminal charges. The prospect of either “King Donald,” who…
Category: Election Commentary
Trump Rally: Blinded by The Light
Mike Hastie, Army Medic Viet Nam | September 30, 2020 On Saturday September 26, 2020, I attended the Trump Rally in Portland, Oregon.The rally was held in Delta Park, which is located…
No, We Don’t Have To Accept It
Debra Sweet | November 16, 2016 {jathumbnailoff} It was good to get all your responses to the Trump election, and to the message we sent out, first posted on In the…
This Doesn’t End Tuesday
World Can’t Wait, Steering Committee | November 7, 201 Our steering committee met this weekend and discussed what’s on everyone’s mind: this election. Here are some of our thoughts. This campaign has…
What Happens Wednesday?
Steering Committee, World Can’t Wait | November 6, 2016 Anyone who has been watching the election circus knows that this has been the most openly vicious election in recent US history. Trump …
Withdraw Your Endorsement
Debra Sweet | November 1, 2016 {jathumbnailoff} One week away from the election, it’s more clear than ever that the “choice” between a proven war criminal and a fascist patriarch is no…
Hillary Clinton’s National Security Advisers Are a “Who’s Who” of the Warfare State
Zaid Jilani, Alex Emmons, and Naomi LaChance with The Intercept | September 26, 2016 The list of key advisers — which includes the general who executed the troop surge in Iraq and…
Commentary on the Sarah Palin Candidacy & Implicaitons for Reproductive Rights
The Terrible Error of Sarah Palin Commentary and Panel from On The Issues Magazine In the Fall edition of On The Issues Magazine on “What is Terror for Women,” publisher Merle Hoffman…
Raising Our Sights, Shouldering Our Responsibilities
by Dennis Loo Yesterday the major party vice-presidential candidates held their “debate.” What did we hear? We got a script-reciting Christian fascist posing as a reformer and a fascist-enabler posing as a…
Poisoned Legacy: the Bush Regime, the Democrats, the Mass Media and the American People
By Dennis Loo, from Counterpunch On January 20, 2009 a new president will take over the White House. It will either be John (the “Maverick”) McCain, who will no longer be in…