AP News, 5/30/06 OLYMPIA, Wash. — Police fired pepper spray as about 150 anti-war protesters tried to enter the Port of Olympia as part of ongoing demonstrations against the shipment of Army…
Category: Article Archives
A New Impeachment Procedure:
Impeach for Peace, a Minnesota chapter of the national World Can’t Wait organization, researched a method for impeaching the president using a little known and rarely used part of the Rules of…
Tuesday, 5/30
The recent trial of a Muslim man convicted of a bomb plot in NYC reveals the broad surveillance, use of informers, and overall police state measures used by the NYPD against entire…
Contraception war
Louisville Courier-Journal, 5/30/06 Polls show that one of the big issues influencing voters this year is the war in Iraq. But there’s another war voters should be concerned about, too: the cultural…
Iraqis’ Accounts Link Marines to the Mass Killing of Civilians
NY Times, 5/29/06 Hiba Abdullah survived the killings by American troops in Haditha last Nov. 19, but said seven others at her father-in-law’s home did not. She said American troops shot and…
Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State
By Allan Uthman, Buffalo Beast. Is the U.S. becoming a police state? Here are the top 10 signs that it may well be the case. [read more]
Tom Morello Thinks Outernational Could Be The Next Rage Against The Machine
MTV News, 5/26/06 It’s one thing for your buddies hanging out in the garage to tell you that your band might be the next Rage Against the Machine. But it’s quite another…
From My Lai to Haditha: The Recurring Horror of U.S. War and Occupation
Revolution #49, June 4, 2006 On November 19, 2005, U.S. Marines stormed into the village of Haditha and murdered 24 people in cold blood. It started at 7:15 a.m. Nine-year-old Eman Waleed…
Pentagon Seeks Nonnuclear Tip for Sub Missiles
NY Times, 5/29/06 The Pentagon is pressing Congress to approve the development of a new weapon that would enable the United States to carry out nonnuclear missile strikes against distant targets within…
Neocons in the Democratic Party
LA Times, 5/28 Like Kennedy and Truman, Democratic neocons want to beef up the military and won’t run from a fight. [read more]