Remember Katrina – Drive Out the Bush Regime! Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast region one year ago. We were outraged to see Black people stranded on roof tops. …
Category: Article Archives
Why you must act:
The “War on Terrorism” is a War for Empire On the 5th anniversary of 9/11, Bush is demanding that we unquestioningly go along with moves toward a new war on Iran as…
The Movement to Drive Out the Bush Regime:
Sign the Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime! READ Add your signature Email the Call to ten of your friends Download PDF flier Online Teach-In View Signers Why I Signed the…
Why you must act:
Silence in a Time of Torture is Complicity We have now come to a defining moment, where before the world’s eyes the U.S. Congress is poised to legalize torture. We reject such…
The Movement to Drive Out the Bush Regime:
Voices Speak Out: Bob Bossie (SCJ, 8th Day Center for Justice) Elaine Brower Faith Carr Chris Daly (San Francisco Supervisor) Daniel Ellsberg (leaker of the Pentagon Papers) Gary…
Oct. 5: A Day of Mass Resistance
Plan To Make October 5, 2006 the day the whole world comes to know there is a Force in this Country Determined to Drive Out the Bush Regime. All day and into…
Monday, 6/5
Your government enforces a culture of greed, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance. Bush used his Saturday radio address to push for a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. The amendment is before the Senate…
Bar group will review Bush’s legal challenges
Boston Globe, 6/4/06 The board of governors of the American Bar Association voted unanimously yesterday to investigate whether President Bush has exceeded his constitutional authority in reserving the right to ignore more…
More Democrats want their leaders to stand up against Bush, war
Knight Ridder Newspapers, 6/4/06 Anti-war and anti-Bush fervor is growing among rank and file Democrats, threatening to pull the party to the left and creating a rift between increasingly belligerent activists and…
War Protest Intensifies, but Navy Ship Sails on Time
NY Times, 6/2/06 SEATTLE, June 1 ( After nearly a week of protests intended to delay a large Navy cargo ship from sailing to the war in Iraq, the vessel sailed out…