Watch this interview with an Iraqi girl who survived the massacre of her unarmed family and neighbors at the hands of US marines in Haditha November 19, 2005. Read more below. Our…
Category: Article Archives
May 27/28
The Senate confirmed General Hayden as the new head of the CIA in a 78-15 vote. This is nothing less than a rubber stamp of the illegal warrantless wiretapping that Hayden presided…
Bush Regime Dream / The People’s Nightmare: Government with No Limits
By Kenneth J. Theisen, 5/27/06 On the weekend of May 20, 2006 the Bush regime launched an attack on the separation of powers doctrine and the right of a free press. Significantly,…
RNC Line on Impeachment: Verily, This Is That
By David Swanson, 5/24/06 Black is white. War is peace. Impeachment is good for Republicans. Haven’t you heard? The Republicans say so. The Democrats say so. It just must BE so. And…
The ‘Border Crisis’ And Revolution: Stepping Back on Some Strategic Dimensions
This week George W. Bush gave a major speech on immigration. Two things must be said about this speech, right from the start: One: While Bush may pose as a ‘moderate’ on…
Thursday, 5/25
Your government is moving to deny women here, and all over the world, the right to birth control and abortion. In his decision to refuse over the counter sales of Plan B…
9 More Arrested in Protest of Army Convoy
Associated Press, 5/25/06 OLYMPIA, Wash. — Nine more people were arrested in protests against the delivery of Iraq-bound military vehicles to the Port of Olympia, bringing the total arrested to 16 in…
Ex-ambassador skewers CIA
Chicago Tribune Person on Interest Interview with Craig Murray, 5/21/06 Six weeks after Craig Murray started his job as British ambassador to Uzbekistan in 2002, a packet of photos landed on his…
Retired Army Col. Ann Wright Detained for Flyering for “Sir, No Sir!” at army base
On Monday, Ann Wright, a Retired Army Colonel and former U.S. diplomat, found herself handcuffed to a chair inside the Fort McNair military base in Washington after being detained at the base….
Wednesday, 5/24
The Senate intelligence committee approved Gen. Hayden’s nomination as head of the CIA in a 12-3 vote despite the fact that he presided over and blatantly lied about the NSA’s warrantless spying…