Debra Sweet on the Possible Prosecution of Donald Rumsfeld
Posted on August 14, 2011
6 thoughts on “Debra Sweet on the Possible Prosecution of Donald Rumsfeld”
The American ruling elite needs a full and effective \”clean out\”. It doesn\’t matter who is President, or which party is in power, the same old stuff keeps happening, and the people behind the President (the Wall st Bankers and arms dealers)stay in control. I notice that GM and Ford are moving their production to Mexico (and paying Mexicans $25/day)and abandoning the American poor and middle class. All this is happening to the American people because your media and newspapers are in the pockets of the ruling elite. Thankfully, the truth is available on the net. The American people need a new Revolution to take back their country from those who are really in control, not the hand puppet President and Congress.
Are only the defeated subject to war crimes prosecution or does the principle of “liberty and justice for all” extend as well to the victors who have committed war crimes? This is an unresolved question, not directly addressed at the Nuremberg trials, but one that is critical if we are to attain a more peaceful and just world.
All humans have rights, unless they’re American citizens in America. China and the United States of America never ratified the Convention Against Torture. Being a refugee from America is not easy, but it IS very educational!
Not only is this a small crack in the superstructure (and we’ve seen many of those over the decade come to naught), the chances of real retribution for the atrocities committed by the Bush Crime Family & the Mil_Indust_Media_Comp, especially with wishy washy AT Holder and the Lie_Bama oval office farce (yeah I voted for him), expect nothing if not an up hill battle with this pack of jackals. Then the absolute mental sloth & spiritual immobility of the American people–low-info drones pretending it’s all good, while suspecting that their asses (and Bill of Rights) have become corporate property–basically no one gives a crap, save for all the Iraqis and Afghanis who had family members turned to red mist… Direct action is was is need, either that or a lynch mob right to Donnie’s & Georgie’s door steps. There is no detente with criminality, there’s only prosecution (as laid out nicely by Vincent Bugliosi). Our entire moral standing as a nation means nothing, and only a repeat of what happened to Saddam with these thugs is gonna make a fig of difference. Let’s roll…
The American ruling elite needs a full and effective \”clean out\”. It doesn\’t matter who is President, or which party is in power, the same old stuff keeps happening, and the people behind the President (the Wall st Bankers and arms dealers)stay in control. I notice that GM and Ford are moving their production to Mexico (and paying Mexicans $25/day)and abandoning the American poor and middle class. All this is happening to the American people because your media and newspapers are in the pockets of the ruling elite. Thankfully, the truth is available on the net. The American people need a new Revolution to take back their country from those who are really in control, not the hand puppet President and Congress.
Are only the defeated subject to war crimes prosecution or does the principle of “liberty and justice for all” extend as well to the victors who have committed war crimes? This is an unresolved question, not directly addressed at the Nuremberg trials, but one that is critical if we are to attain a more peaceful and just world.
If this happens I hope it has a domino effect and the whole Bush regime is seen for what they really were and are-WAR CRIMINALS.
All humans have rights, unless they’re American citizens in America. China and the United States of America never ratified the Convention Against Torture. Being a refugee from America is not easy, but it IS very educational!
Not only is this a small crack in the superstructure (and we’ve seen many of those over the decade come to naught), the chances of real retribution for the atrocities committed by the Bush Crime Family & the Mil_Indust_Media_Comp, especially with wishy washy AT Holder and the Lie_Bama oval office farce (yeah I voted for him), expect nothing if not an up hill battle with this pack of jackals. Then the absolute mental sloth & spiritual immobility of the American people–low-info drones pretending it’s all good, while suspecting that their asses (and Bill of Rights) have become corporate property–basically no one gives a crap, save for all the Iraqis and Afghanis who had family members turned to red mist… Direct action is was is need, either that or a lynch mob right to Donnie’s & Georgie’s door steps. There is no detente with criminality, there’s only prosecution (as laid out nicely by Vincent Bugliosi). Our entire moral standing as a nation means nothing, and only a repeat of what happened to Saddam with these thugs is gonna make a fig of difference. Let’s roll…
Haha, Rumsfeld’s finally gonna pay! It shows that crime doesn’t pay! Bush, Blair, all the other accomplices, you’re all next!