by World Can’t Wait web team
The New York Times reported today that the Obama administration is continuing the Bush Regime’s policy of detaining people it determines to be “enemy combatants” in Guantanamo and other prisons the U.S. has scattered throughout the world. Obama will, however, no longer call them “enemy combatants”.
There is a long and ugly American history of using euphemisms to conceal, disguise, and try to evade responsibility for the monstrous crimes this government has committed against people throughout the world. Civilian deaths become “collateral damage.” Kidnapping and torturing become “rendition.” Torture becomes “enhanced interrogation techniques.” Now Obama thinks he can distance himself from the contempt for Bush era policies by continuing the practice of torture and imprisonment without trial by changing the label.
The crimes against humanity begun during the Bush years are being extended, and solidified as state policy during the Obama years. Is this the change humanity needs?
Be in the streets March 19th, demanding an end to U.S. Wars, Occupation, and Torture for empire.
The following is part of a press release by the American Civil Liberties Union immediately after the announcement was made by the Obama administration.
Justice Department Adheres To Key Elements Of Bush Administration Detention Policy (3/13/2009)
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NEW YORK – In a court filing today, the Obama administration argued that detention of prisoners held at Guantánamo is justified even if the individual is captured far from any battlefield and has not directly participated in hostilities. According to the definition offered in the government’s brief, individuals who provide "substantial" support to al-Qaeda or the Taliban can be detained.
The following can be attributed to Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union:
"It is deeply troubling that the Justice Department continues to use an overly broad interpretation of the laws of war that would permit military detention
of individuals who were picked up far from an actual battlefield or who didn’t engage in hostilities against the United States. ..”