No Matter Who is President: STOP Endless Wars for Empire!
Tuesday November 11 (Veterans’ Day), 7:00 pm
Judson Memorial Church,
55 Washington Square South
Scott Ritter, former US weapons inspector, author of Waging Peace: The Art of War for the Antiwar Movement and Target Iran: The Truth About the White House’s Plans for Regime Change
Larry Everest, writer for Revolution newspaper, author of Oil, Power and Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Agenda
Jeremy Scahill, correspondent for Democracy Now, author of Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army
Elaine Brower, military family member and leader of The World Can’t Wait
Whether it’s McCain or Obama, the wars in Middle East continue, and in fact are expanding. The criminal war in Iraq continues, the war in Afghanistan is intensifying, and the bombing of Pakistan escalates, with no end in sight. U.S. aggression has inflicted a humanitarian catastrophe, with millions of people killed or turned into refugees.
Continued hostility toward Iran is very likely, and war – and all that implies – remains a real possibility. Tensions with Russia are on the rise – and can anyone rule out conflict in coming years with certainty?
In short, Bush’s unbounded wars will continue, although there will be a different face on the empire.
People in this country must be challenged, morally and politically, to end U.S. aggression, and intervention – no matter who is elected. Courage to change the political landscape rests only with the people.
Tickets: $10 / $5 students/low-income / $50 front-row sustainer.
Click here to purchase tickets on line. or call 866-973-4463.