Emergency Summit to
Impeach Bush for War Crimes
February 17-18, 2007, New York City
Feb. 17, 2007
Presbyterian Church
105 West 86th Street at Amsterdam Avenue
February 18, 2007
for the Arts
49 White Street (between Broadway & Church Street, three blocks
south of Canal Street)
It is time for the
people to put impeachment on the table!
Iraq spins out of control.
Bush escalates and threatens still wider war with Iran. The Bush program of
torture and illegal detentions continues. These are war crimes and crimes
against humanity.
Bush’s full program
remains in effect. NSA Spying, the Patriot Act, the Military Commission
Act: all continue. And all are illegal. The whole program of the Bush
Administration must be thoroughly repudiated by removing him from office before
his term expires; otherwise, the whole direction he has taken society will be
condoned, legitimated, and made permanent.
A movement to
Impeach Bush for War Crimes can quickly advance the whole struggle; making
ending the war and removing Bush a reality. As impeachment becomes
imminent and his war options grow more limited; the more his war crimes
are exposed, the greater the impetus for his removal and repudiation.
Initiated by World Can’t Wait –
Drive Out the Bush Regime
ACERSNow.org AfterDowningStreet.org American-Iranian Friendship Committee Brooklyn Greens Code Pink Democrats.com Progressive Democrats of America Freedom Socialist Party Gold Star Families for Peace Grandmothers Against the War Granny Peace Brigade Green Party of the United States Hip Hop Caucus ImpeachBush-Cheney.com ImpeachBush.org ImpeachforPeace.org |
International Action Center May First Coalition |
February 17, 2007
Time slots for Workshops subject to change.
Room locations to be announced.
9 -10
a.m. Registration
& Coffee
10 a.m.
– 12 noon Opening Session: Putting
Impeachment on the Table
Prachi Noor and Alan Lang, National Steering Committee, World Can’t Wait-Drive Out the Bush
RegimeLiam Madden, Co-founder, Appeal for Redress
Jonathan Tasini, Progressive Democrats of America
Rebecca Rotzler, Green Party of the United States
Mara Verheyden-Hilliard,
ImpeachBush.orgLaura Flanders, host, Air America
noon-1p.m. Lunch Break
1-6 p.m. Why the Bush Regime Must be Driven Out.
Presented by Bush Crimes Commission. Multi-media presentation includes
short video clips and speakers to update developments on each of the five
indictments the Bush Crimes Commission focused on.
a) Response to Hurricane Katrina: Before, During &
After, speakers TBAb) Destruction of the Global Environment, Daphne Wysham,
Institute for Policy Studiesc) Attacks on Global Aids Programs, Vanessa Brocato,
formerly with Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S.d) Torture & Indefinite Detention/Attacks on Civil
Rights, Shayana Kadidal, Center for Constitutional Rights Staff Attorneye) Wars of Aggression, Larry Everest, author Oil,
Power & Empire: Iraq and
the U.S.
Global Agenda, and other works.Q/A and discussion on each segment.
1:30 –
3:30 p.m. First Set of Workshops (Choose One)
Crimes of the Bush AdministrationPresented by Green Party of the United States
Rebecca Rotzler & Others
Strategies and Grounds for Impeachment, incorporating
proposalsJodin Morey, ImpeachforPeace.org, MinneapolisRon Fisher, ACERSNow.org, DC, The Progressive Action Plan to Replace
President Bush and Other [with Well-Qualified Candidates] NowCynthia Papermaster, CodePink Women for Peace, The People of the U.S. v. Richard
Cheney and George W. Bush
The Crimes of 9/11 and the Case for ImpeachmentPresented by 911Truth.org
Janice Matthews and Bryan
SacksThis workshop will present a case for impeachment based on
widely accepted claims of executive indifference in the face of clear warnings
that a terror strike was imminent, as well as investigative obstruction after
the fact.
Mission of a Generation – Drive Out the
Bush Regime, Session 1Presented
by World Can’t Wait Youth and Students, including discussion of the campus speaking tour, teach-ins
on campuses this spring, and the recent student strike.
5:45 p.m. Second Set of Workshops
(Choose One)
Organizing for Oversight, Investigation, Accountability –
Presented by Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)David Swanson, one of the movement’s leading impeachment strategists,
co-founder of AfterDowningStreet.org, Washington Director of Democrats.com,
Board Member of PDA; Jonathan Tasini, former Democratic candidate for
Senate (NY), state coordinating committee for PDA-NY Chapter; Dan Dewalt,
founder, Patriotic Response to Renegade Government, organizer of effort to pass
Resolutions of Impeachment in the VT State Legislature; Mike Zmolek,
former Legislative Aide for Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, co-wrote the
legislation on impeachment introduced by the Congresswoman in 2006.Panel Moderated by Frances
Anderson, NY State Coordinator, PDA
Outrages Calling for ImpeachmentBob Fitrakis, Columbus, OH,
Stolen ElectionsFr. Frank Morales, Lower East Side, NYC, Decimation
of Civil LibertiesMitchel Cohen, Brooklyn
Greens, People’s Impeachment HearingsHow to Build an Affinity Group &
Stage Creative Protests
Laurie Arbeiter, Artists Against War & The
Critical Voice/We Will Not Be Silent CampaignPeter Cobb, Not in Our Name Project.
Understanding and Supporting Millitary Resistance, Methods
of Troop Outreach, and What Impeachment Means to Military Families
Carlos & Melida Arredondo, Juan Torres, Elaine Brower & Liam Madden
5:45 –
7:30 p.m. Dinner Break
7:30 – 10 p.m. Evening Program
Impeach Bush for War Crimes! The Time is Now, with
Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Families for Peace
Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General
David Swanson, AfterDowningStreet.org
Rev. Lennox Yearwood, The Hip Hop Caucus
Debra Sweet , Director, The World Can’t Wait –
Drive Out the Bush Regime
Sunday, February 18, 2007
a.m. Registration
& Coffee
10 a.m.-12 noon Presentations and Plenary Discussion:
Strategies for Removing the Bush Regime from Office in 2007
by leaders of Co-sponsoring Organizations for the Summit
p.m. Lunch
1:00 –
3:30 p.m. Break-Out Planning Sessions
encourage people to organize additional breakouts.Make
Hip-Hop, Not WarPresented by
Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Hip Hop Caucus,Mission of a Generation –
Drive Out the Bush Regime, Session 2Presented
by World Can’t Wait Youth & StudentsWhy the U.S.
Has Iran in its Sights; How
Do We Stop an Attack on Iran?Presented by Ardeshir Ommani, co-founder
American-Iranian Friendship CommitteeLarry Everest, author, Oil, Power and Empire.
Is Over” Campaign
4 – 6 p.m. Panel and Discussion: After Bush, What?
Different Perspectives on What Should Replace the Bush Regime
Taylor, writer for
Revolution newspaper; World Can’t Wait Advisory Board
Cobble, co-founder, Progressive Democrats of America; Institute for Policy
Gloria Mattera, Co-Chair, Green Party of New York State
Please be
sure the organizers of this summit have your contact information. A report from the Summit will be sent out via email, and posted
on the co-sponsors” websites.
The proceedings of the summit will soon be available on DVD.
summit@worldcantwait.org 866 -973 4463