Jed Stone, past president of Illinois Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers is a criminal defense lawyer in Waukegan. He is a frequent lecturer on criminal law and constitutional issues.
Jed Stone is the author of “Preserving The Record” Defending Illinois
Criminal Cases; “A Lawyer’s Reflection On Death” The Chicago Bar
Record, Chicago Bar Association, October 1992; and the revised Illinois
Criminal Defense Motions, 1995.
Jed Stone served on the faculty of the National College of Criminal
Defense at Mercer Law School, Macon, Georgia. He continues to teach at
the New York State Defender Institute. He also is a former adjunct
professor of law at Northwestern University. Jed Stone is a lecturer in
the Department of Politics at the Lake Forest College, where he also
teaches a course in race and justice. He is listed in Who’s Who in American Law and was invited in 2005 to speak on race and justice issues before the Congressional Black Caucus.
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