Sunday, October 16, 2005
Why do you endorse the World Can’t Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime?
I don’t care about what politics – I want to support people who are
real, who want to bring the troops home, stop the war. I know what it
is like. I come from Argentina. It was a country without justice,
everything covered up. Now the civilians control, the civilians pushed
out the government. In this country, it is the opposite. They are too
much interested in staying inside the house. They need to put the head
out and see what really happens in America.
I am the father of a solider who died in this war (Afghanistan). I know how I and my family feel. We die forever. My son give me my new mission – stop the war, stop the lying, stop the recruiting liars to the 16 years olds. I don’t want to see no more Gold Star Families.
The president, the Congress, they don’t have any Gold Star Family. The people pay the taxes. They use the poor population Spanish and Black. They say hero. My son was a hero. I am the father, when I receive the medal by mail – they don’t respect me, they don’t respect my family.
We start in Crawford to Washington. We don’t need to stop. If we give victory to Bush, then a small group is controlling the country.
To stop the war, everyone join to stop the war. We start now. We saw a lot of people in DC (September 24). President Bush doesn’t care. In 2 or 3 weeks they forget 300-400 thousand in DC. They do it again. We wait another year. NO. One more year, how many more die? How many more go to Iraq?
We don’t stop – we bring in more people. The people in Argentina when something is wrong in the government – the people go out, they stop working, they don’t go to school. Everything to stop the war.