The Waco Friends of Peace sponsored a street protest during rush hour (5-7:30p.m.) at the corner of Valley Mills Drive and Waco Drive on Oct. 5th. This is the busiest intersection in the city and we covered several sides of the intersection on right of way and medians. Our signs were visible from all approaches. We had huge banners: honk for impeachment, and bring the troops home now. We had many individual signs including the World Can’t Wait sign for Oct. 5, end torture now, and stop the war on Iran.
There were 10-12 of us including 3 students, from McLennan Community College and Baylor University. Our numbers were small, but we are in the heart of “Bush country”, and people are very afraid to speak out here. We had some street theatre, with figures in King George and Cheney costumes. The reception from motorists was about 70% positive. The media boycotted our protest, except for the Baylor UNiversity Lariat student paper. The local police tried to stop our protest, but we insisted on our right to continue, and we prevailed. We followed this, on Oct 7, with hand held banners on an overpass over I35 (very busy freeway in Texas) saying: Honk for Impeachment. The response was great, with a continuous sound of honking.