The “War on Terrorism” is a War for Empire
On the 5th anniversary of 9/11, Bush is demanding that we unquestioningly go along with moves toward a new war on Iran as well as torture, military tribunals, and police state measures all in the name of our “safety”. It is incumbant on people living in the US to refuse to accept any of this, and through massive political resistance show people around the world that the American people are not all lining up behind the Bush regime. Check out the articles below on Bush’s latest round of speeches, and read the first Not In Our Name Statement of Conscience, written shortly after 9/11 and signed by over 66,000 people.
In NYC: street performance of “Our Grief Is Not A Cry For War” at Union Square
The Fierce Urgency of Now
By Dr. Robin Meyers, UCC Minister Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used this memorable phrase to describe a moment when
people of conscience would need to take action NOW, and not take what he called
“the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.” [read more]
New York Times Editorial Asks: Where Have All the Protesters Gone?
Andrew Rosenthal’s challenge to the “Iraq War
Generation” in his “Editorial Observer” piece in the August 31st
edition of the New York Times deserves a response, not just in a letter to the
editor, but on the campuses, and, above all, in the streets which he so
correctly points out have “gone silent”. [read more & comment]
Will The Real Fascist Please Stand Up
A recent Boston Globe editorial lectures Rumsfeld for misusing the word
“fascist”, while at the same time criticizing those who use the term to
describe the Bush regime. [read more]
Should Rumsfeld Step Down?
Where’s the Debate?
War Crimes in Lebanon
Food for thought: If you have the basis to know about, but
refuse to recognize or acknowledge, the terrible acts your government, under
the current regime, is committing, in the Middle East and other parts of the world,
as well as within the U.S. itself…If you do recognize and acknowledge the
great harm your government is doing, but you do not act, in a meaningful way,
to oppose this … Then, yes, you are complicit in these crimes. [read more]
Mexico: How to Stop a Stolen Election
After widespread suspicion of a stolen presidential election in Mexico, thousands upon thousands have taken to the streets in protest, shutting down business as usual and refusing to stop until the votes are recounted. As the October 5 protests come closer, events in Mexico provide an important example for what people in the US need to do when faced with an intolerable regime that came to power through a stolen election. Check out the following articles on the protests in Mexico:
Shame of Not Being Mexican by David Swanson
Why Democrats Don’t Count by Greg Palast
If you’re putting your hopes and energies into the Democrats winning the 2006 elections
Check out the following:
Top 10 reasons NOT to put your money and resources into the Democrats Democrats on the slaughter in Lebanon
Ned Lamont: False Hopes, Bad Terms, and Ticking Clocks Cynthia McKinney Ruled Out of Bounds A Call to Action for the Women’s Movement and Everyone Who Cares About Women’s Lives Fitzmass Cancelled: No Free Lunch for the Democrats With Friends Like These” Bob Casey, the Democrats’ posterboy anti-choice candidate Let’s Not Impeach the President Open Letter to the Anti-War Movement
Sir No Sir! Documentary now on DVD
In the 1960s, thousands of American GIs rebelled against the Vietnam War, changing the course of history and society. No film has ever told their story… until now.
This inspirational documentary is very timely and World Can’t Wait is proud to partner with Displaced Films and Balcony Releasing to offer it for purchase. A portion of the proceeds will be donated towards driving out the Bush Regime.