Letter from Lehman High School Student (Bronx) about what happened on Nov. 2nd
In Lehman HS in the Bronx, our students are facing repression by those
in authority. Those who are called the Deans in the school have set out
to get the students scared that by participating in Walk Outs, that
they will be endangering themselves, their academic record, and will be
disciplined for merely showing a political initiative in the school.
The Lehman HS administration tried to express the so-called “concerns”
they had that this would jeopardize school education, and the school
environment if students use this as an excuse to leave school grounds.
There is hypocrisy and double talk here. The reasons they claim for
stopping students are illegitimate, and absurd. Students in our school
and public schools throughout NYC have students cutting classes on a
regular basis. In fact, Students in our school cut classes and stand
right outside the school and the Deans, School Security, and Police
Officers rarely do a thing…unless they want to ruffle a few feathers
with the students and try to create a fearful situation.
In our situation, because of the plans we have set forward, and
because of the students resentment of this system which holds them in
prison like schools and socializes them for a future that is dreary,
the Administration is dead scarred. I have heard reports from certain
people that they are in fear of the students organizing themselves in a
way similar to the 60s’ movement. They don’t want the Youth to
challenge this system, and really challenge the Bush Administration.
They tell us to take the “traditional route” and vote, they bring into
our schools Democrats telling us we can change the system within;
however we are not buying a word anymore. Students are lifting their
heads beyond politics as usual and the liberal framework of the US
government. We are realizing that you can’t confront Fascists like
George W. Bush and his cronies through petitions and calling our
congressmen, it takes the masses of people to make a situation where he
is thrown from his throne out of power, and only then can we make real
Lehman HS has many teachers who are supportive of our agenda in Driving
Out the Bush Regime; however for the most part they remain silence in
fear of job security. This is the situation in our school, there is
polarization everywhere, amongst students and the faculty. In our
Social Studies department, debate raged about our actions. In the class
rooms, students spoke to other students about November 2nd mobilization
effort and walk out. And the day of and after the November 2nd, there
was confrontation between students and security, faculty and faculty,
and so on. They had tried to stomp out the spirit of resistance in our
school; however the struggle went on, and a number of us walked out.
They gave some students summons for wearing stickers, they told
students to flip their “Resist or Die” T-Shirts inside out, they warned
students they would be suspended if they put up stickers or passed out
literature. NOTHING STOPPED US! And now we have the potential to be as
strong as ever.
We, the Students of Lehman HS share our story with the World Can’t
Wait…Drive Out the Bush Regime organization, and with other students
within our HS and Colleges. Let the colleges take examples of our brave
students in Lehman HS, Clinton HS, Pablo Neruda Academy, Beacon HS, MLK
HS, and many others. It is time to rise up and join us! And for the
other HS students, what are you waiting for? Join your fellow friends
and students and change this world and Drive Out the Bush Regime.