After an intense political battle, with thousands
signing on to the statement from World Can’t Wait, students from
Hampton and other campuses protesting, and all this breaking into the
media, the 7 students have not been expelled, but given 20 hours
community service. Clearly the widespread protest had an impact.
It is still outrageous that these students were punished at all. [click here for more]
Read the statement below initiated by World Can’t Wait organizers below.
Drop the Charges and Stop the Harassment Against the Hampton University Students Against the Bush Regime!
especially when they remain firm in the face of police harassment and
administrative threats, are heroic, must be defended, and their example
must be followed by many others.
the course of organizing, they were followed by campus police, targeted
by video surveillance, and forced to turn over their ID’s for the
simple act of distributing literature. That these
students were targeted for the content of their activities is clearly
demonstrated by the fact that other students routinely post
unauthorized flyers (often with scantily clad women advertising
parties) without any harassment.
On Friday, November 18th, weeks after November 2nd, 3 student organizers were issued summons for a hearing over possible expulsion the following Monday morning, giving them no time during the work week to contact lawyers, parents, or campus administrators. After hundreds of phone-calls from around the country to the Dean’s Office, their hearing was postponed. Days later, 4 more students were issued summons and campus police shut down an interview being filmed by the local media, attempting to prevent their story from getting out.
historically black college with a mostly Republican administration, is
an ugly harbinger of the ‘dissent-free’ future the Bush regime is
trying to lock into place.
high school and college students nation-wide on November 2nd that
disproportionately targeted black, Latino and other oppressed students.
can stay on vacation as a major city’s poor and Black people are left
for five days without food or water, where influential friends of this
President are allowed to float out genocidal notions of aborting all
Black babies to bring crime rates down, and where the President’s
policies of ‘abstinence-only’ in the face of an international AIDS
pandemic threaten millions of lives, but where students who dare to
speak the truth about this and act to end this are silenced and
expelled from school.
Bush Regime, “This will not be easy. If we speak the truth, they will
try to silence us. If we act, they will to try to stop us. But we speak
for the majority, here and around the world, and as we get this going
we are going to reach out to the people who have been so badly fooled
by Bush and we are NOT going to stop.”
administration to drop all charges against, cease their political
harassment of, and to apologize to these students. These students must not be expelled! We
also call on students at campuses nation-wide to send statements of
support, and to join, strengthen and support the movement to Drive Out the Bush Regime because the World Can’t Wait!
MORE ACADEMIC SIGNERS INCLUDE: Wesley Abbott, Retired Professor, Los Angeles City College*Angela Ards, Ph.D. Candidate, English Department, Princeton University*Electa Arenal,
Professor Emerita, Ph.D. Program in Hispanic & Luso-Brazilian
Literatures & Women’s Studies Certificate Program, CUNY/Graduate
Center*Nina Auerbach, John Welsh Centennial Professor of History and Literature, University of Pennsylvania*Eleanor J. Bader, adjunct, Kingsborough Community College & Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY*Judy Baker, William Paterson University* Sara Baker, Professor of English, University of Tennessee*Davarian Baldwin, Boston College*Rosemary A. Barbera, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Social Work Department, MonMouth University*Jodi Barnes, PhD student, Department of Anthropology, American University*Jennifer Baumgardner, author, “Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future”Rosalyn Baxandall, Distinguished Teaching Professor, SUNY Old Westbury*Mike Beilstein, Chemist, Oregon State University*Philip L. Bereano, Professor, University oif Washington*Iris Berger, Chair of History Department; Professor of History, Africana Studies, and Women’s Studies, SUNY University at Albany*Edget Betru, Guantanamo Global Justice Initiative, Center for Constitutional Rights* J. Herman Blake, PhD, Professor Emeritus Sociology, Iowa State UniversitySusan Bordo, University of Kentucky*Eileen Boris, University of California, Santa Barbara*Dr. Paul Brewer, Professor of Music, Aquinas College*Leslie Brown, Assistant Professor of History, Washington University of St. Louis*Joan C. Callahan, Professor, Department of Philosophy & Director, Women’s Studies Program, University of Kentucky*Terence Cannon, former Revson Fellow, and Oakland Seven anti-Vietnam War conspiracy defendant, Center for Legal Education, CCNY*Colin Cavell, Ph.D., University of Bahrain*Katherine Charron, Assistant Professor of History, Iowa State University*Kiren Chaudhry, Associate Professor of Political Science, UC BerkeleyEva Cherniavsky, Hilen Professor of American Literature and Culture, University of Washington*John P. Clark, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University New Orleans*Jan Clausen, Writer and Brooklyn-based peace activistMs. Marti Copleman, Esq.Altha J. Cravey, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill*Richard Curtis, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, Seattle University*Jill Cutler, Assistant Dean, Yale College*Dr. Baji Daniels, Writer and educatorMary Beth Day, Hamilton College*Trane DeVore, Foreign Visiting Lecturer of Language and Culture, Osaka University*Ellen Carol DuBois, Professor of History, UCLA*Karen Durbin, journalistJoseph W. DuRocher, Public Defender Emeritis, Orlando, FloridaBeva Eastman, Associate Professor, William Paterson University and New Jersey City University*Carolyn Eisenberg, Professor of History, Hofstra University*Kathy Engle, poet, creative/strategic consultant, KickAss ArtistsMichael Erickson, ArtistJudith Ezekiel, Universite de Toulouse le Mirail*Michael Frank, Professor of Cooperative Education, LaGuardia Community College*Jane Franklin, Historian and WriterDaniel Freudenberger, Los Angeles, screenwriterHanna Frisch, Ph.D.Barbara Garson, Author, MacBirdEllen Gruber Garvey, New Jersey City University*Leah Geier, University of Delaware*Ty Geltmaker, Ph.D., historian/authorBarbara Gold, Hamilton College*Peter Goodwin, Professor, University of California, berkeley*Cam Gordon, City Council Member-elect, Minneapolis, Second WardDeborah A. Gordon, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Center for Women’s Studies, Wichita State University*Joan L. Griscom, Ph.D., Lexington, MA*Maurice Hamington, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern Indiana* Curtis Harper, Ph. D.,
Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Director of Graduate Studies –
Curriculum in Toxicology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill*Jane Hilberry, Professor of English, Colorado College*Enid Howarth, PhDGerard Huiskamp, Associate Professor, Wheaton College*Karen James, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Pennsylvania Undergroun Railroad Network, Bureau of Archives and HistoryDr. Rachel A. Jennings, University of Texas at San Antonio*David E. Johnson, Associate Professor, Old Dominion UniversityBarbera Joseph, SUNY Old Westbury*Louis Kampf, Prof. emeritus of Literature, MIT, Cambridge MA*Aron Kay, Yippie! PiemanJesse Elliott Kayan, President, Global Justice League, St. Mary’s College of Maryland*Lisa Kazmier, PhD, Indiana University of PA*Michelle Kelly, writer and fashion designer, 1995 Hampton University GraduateBea Kreloff, director, Art Workshop International*Anne Lacsamana, Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies, Hamilton College*Laura K. Landolt, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science, Virginia Wesleyan CollegeRobert Launay, Professor of Anthropology, Northwestern University*Paul Lauter, Allan K. & Gwendolyn Miles Smith Professor of Literature, Trinity College*Llia Lawrence, screenwriterClaudia Leight, Counselor, Morgan State University*Andrew Libby, CUNY Comparative LiteratureChristopher Lowe, Adjunct Professor of History, Portland State University*Stephanie Luce, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts-AmherstJudy MacLean, AuthorCarolyn Magid, Bentley College*Corlita Mahr, People’s Hurricane Relief Fund & Oversight Coalition*Larry Mamiya, Paschall-Davis Professor of Religion and Africana Studies, Vassar College*Dr. Joseph Martos, Bellarmine University*Henry Matthews, Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Washington State University*Dr. Pancho McFarland, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Chicago State UniversityAlexander McGregor, Doctor of History, Rio de Janiero*Janice McLane, Morgan State University*Dr. Meta Mendel-Reyes, Director, Center for Excellence in Learning Through Service, Associate Professor of General Studies, Berea College*Carolyn Micklem, Director, Cave Canem Foundation, Inc. (black writers’ workshop)*Kerby A. Miller, Professor of History, University of Missouri-Columbia*John Miller, Wheaton College*Leslie Miller-Bernal, Professor of Sociology, Wells College*Judith Mitchell, former counselor, Columbia University*Carl Moos, Ret. Assoc. Prof., SUNY Stony BrookTiyi Morris, Professor of History, DePauw University*Khalil G. Muhammad, Ph.D., Indiana University – Bloomington*Stan Nadel, Professor of History, University of Portland—Salzburg Austria Program*Andrew Norris, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of PennsylvaniaNortheastern Illinois University Students Against the War, Student Group, Northeastern Illinois University*Cara O’ConnorStephen O’Connor, Author, Orphan TrainsMaeve O’Donovan, Assistant Professor of History, Department of Philosophy, College of Notre Dame of Maryland*Mariana Ortega, Associate Professor, Philosophy Department, John Carroll University*Stephen Orvis, Professor of Government, Hamilton College*Alicia Ostriker, Professor, Rutgers University*Judith Papachristou, Faculty Emeriti, Sarah Lawrence College*Arthur Paris, Sociology Department, Syracuse University*Ted Pearson, President, Lincoln Park Neighbors United for Peace, ChicagoThomas Perreault, Syracuse University*Marc Pilisuk, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus, University of CA, Professor, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center*Dwight R. Platt, Emeritus Professor of Biology, Bethel College*Nancy S. Rabinowitz, Margaret Bundy Scott Professor, Hamilton College*Aishah Rahman, Professor, Brown University*Marilyn Richardson, Writer, Arts ConsultantJohn Ripton, Adjunct Professor of Latino and Hispanic Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University*Sonia Jaffe Robbins, freelance writer and editorMonique Roelofs, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Hampshire CollegeEllen Cronan Rose, Editor, jml: Journal of Modern Literature, Temple University*Ruth Rosen, Professor Emerita, U.C. Davis*Ann Rosenthal, UC Davis Researcher, UC Davis*Hanan Sabea, Assistant Prof. of Anthropology and Africana and African American Studies, University of VirginiaE. San Juan, Professor, Philippines Cultural Study Center*Seth L. Schein, Professor of Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis*Herbert Shapiro, Emeritus Professor of History, University of Cincinnati*Falguni A. Sheth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Political Theory, Hampshire CollegeDr. Evie Shockley, Department of English, Rutgers University*Alix Kates Shulman, writerArnold Silverman, Professor of Sociology, Nassau Community College, SUNY*Prof. Vicky Steinitz, College of Public and Community Service, Universit of Mass/Boston* (retired)John Streamas, Writer and Assistant Professor of Comparative Ethnic Studies, Washington State UniversityMeaghan Sutton, Hamilton College*Daniel Szyld, Professor, Temple University*José A. Tapia, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Michigan ILIR & School of Social Work*Crystal C. Taylor, Princeton University, NJ*Lisa Tessman, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Studies, Director of Graduate Studies in Philosophy, SPEL, Binghamton University*Kaedden Michael Timi, President & Founder, Earth Peace Systems & the JCCC Renewable Energy Society*Edward Tripp, Lecturer, Department of Linguistics and Language Development, San Jose State University*Dr. Susan Udin, Professor, SUNY BuffaloLise Vogel, Professor Emerita, Rider University*Kirt von Daacke, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Lynchburg College*Norm Wallen, Professor Emeritus, San Francisco State University*Naomi Weisstein, Professor Emerita, SUNY at Buffalo*Jacqueline Wilkotz, Professor, Towson University*Charles Wilson, Cleveland Institute of Art*Marcia Wilson Brown, Esq., Vice Provost for Student and Community Affairs, Rutgers University at Newark*Barbara Winslow, Brooklyn College*Gary Witherspoon, Professor, University of Washington*E. Victor Wolfenstein, Professor of Political Science, UCLA*Laura X, Women’s History Library* MORE SIGNERS INCLUDE Lois KampfLiza AhnlandKelley AndersonAlan Barysh, Perfomance poet/president, Gimme Shelter ProductionsJonathan BeilerJohn BurnsMatthew Burton-Kelly, St. Lawrence University*Gary CaganoffJohn W. Castor, leftist progressive patriotic gadflyEric Cimino, Ph.D. candidate, History departmant, SUNY Stony Brook*C.M. Concepcion, Ph.D. student, University of Glasgow*Donna CooperJamie Cosumano, teacherMartin DamskovDan DenovBrian DepaulPeter GaffneyPeter Grant, journalistG. J. GwynnKaren Hall, Another American for free speech and peaceful dissentLouise HalperinKenneth HittelRychelle Hooper, Spelman College‘ 91*Beth Irikura, student, University of Hawaii*Sarah JohnsonElizabeth Johnson, Food educator and activistP. KinsmanNorman LaughlinRobert LawrenceM. A. McclainAnjana Mebane-Cruz, Ph.D.Anne MeneakisPatrick Monk, RN Hospice case managerAntonia MontanaGarrett MummaSiskanna Naynaha, Ph.D. candidate, Department of English, Washington State University*Bruce A. NewbergSusan O’HaraLynn PinckneyBret Polish, high school U.S. history teacherLavon Rice, writerPhyllis SatoMartha Seeger, student, Mt. Holyoke College*Laura Sider, University of Pennsylvania*Les SimonJunios Ricardo StantonCarol Slyce StovallClement Truitt IITom Warhol, photographerArdis WhiteM. Douglas WrayPep Xaus, Free lance cultural manager
*affiliations for identification purposes only