Video Clip of chaos in the House of Representatives over the Murtha’s proposed resolution to withdraw troops from Iraq within 6 months.
John Murtha, a very right-wing Democratic congressman with heavy ties in the military, put forward a resloution for the U.S to withdraw from Iraq within 6 months. Although this was all done in the framework of preserving a strong U.S military, the Bush Regime counterattacked. The House Republican leadership went around the normal channels and changed Murhta’s proposal to call for the immediate withdrawl from Iraq. The House then voted down the resolution to withdraw by 403 to 3–with even Murtha voting against it!
Think about it: 403 to 3. What the hell kind of “opposition” is that?
This points to the fissures and cracks deepening within the ruling powers and underlines the necessity to make Bush Step Down the central question in society when Bush delievers the State of the Union address in January. Keep checking World Can’t Wait for more in depth analysis on this.
Below is a video clip link of the chaos in the House of Representatives when the Republicans pushed foward this Bill and resulted in a Jerry Springer-esque debate of cat calls and microphones to be cut for 10 minutes.
House Meltdown- Click Here for Video Clip
Also a surprisingly funny clip from SNL on Bush’s Recent Speech to soldiers at a military base.